Wednesday, June 26, 2024

'24/#28 People, Places, And Things...

 But mostly people. I looked back on the adventure we call our life and realized that we have been living full time in an RV nineteen years this September. I also noticed that we have been retired from the Post Office and in travel mode for sixteen years. Where has the time gone? Well this blog reminds me of all the places we've been, the people we have met, and the things we've seen and done. It is all amazing to look back on but the thing that sticks with us the most is the people we have met. We now have friends all over the country and the world and I don't mean just Facebook friends. 

We do keep in touch through social media but our Christmas card list has also grown as has our post card pals list. We do have some friends who are not on social media so we keep in touch however by phone as well as snail mail. On top of all this we also catch up with friends in person. With our travels criss crossing the country we never know when we will be near someone we just have to meet up with. 

This summer's "Bucket List Tour" is a perfect example. Just on this trip we have spent time with Crystal and Lee in Missouri, Bernie and Stephen in Texas, and now we will get together with Matt in Montana. In past years we have reconnected with friends in Wyoming, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and of course Florida. We collect friends just like we collect memmories and treasure them all.

It doesn't always work out getting together. Usually the timing just doesn't cooperate. Just recently we missed Amy and Steve's vacation by one day in Washington. Maybe another time our paths will cross. Later this summer we have tentative plans to be in areas that will put us in the neighborhood to visit more friends. It all depends on where the road takes us.

Right now I am sitting in the Ford dealer waiting for the truck to get some routine service. With all the miles we have traveled this year oil changes are more frequent and are necessary to keep us rolling down the highway. While I am sitting here Mary is getting some much needed rest. This summer on the road has been more physically taxing which is why we take time to just stop and sit someplace to recharge the old (and getting older) bodies.

Well that is enough blog for now so I will say goodbye from the Ford dealer near our home in Great Falls Montana because....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. Derek here, I’d often wondered how many years you two lived in the SunnyBrook in Largo before hitting the road full-time. Seems one of first summers was Sevierville, TN at Dollywood. Oh the stories I remember hearing of Dollywood! Seems you two actually ‘saw’ Dolly that summer. Power outages, you name it, that happened summer at Sevierville.
    So happy to continue reading of your travels!

  2. This is Tracy. Wow 19 years, that's incredible! You guys have shown what it's like to have a dream and make it happen. Glad you are taking this summer to work on that bucket list. You guys are hitting places I want to see, so love seeing your photos.

  3. Terry here! You two are amazing!!! That says it for me! So grateful for your friendship and looking forward to when it’s my time again for a” paths crossing “ visit! Love you both๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’™
