Friday, June 14, 2024

'24/#25 Mxed Bag Of Life

 With the Olympic Peninsula behind us we are now on the other side of Puget Sound and Seattle. From here we will explore some of central Washington. Islands, mountains, lakes, and some unique small towns are on the agenda. To that bag of adventures we must add some of the day to day tasks that are part of the RV lifestyle. Hence the "mixed bag of life".

 A few years ago we had a protective coating put on the roof to make it last longer and need less maintenance. This came with a lifetime warranty that was a strong selling point and is now coming in handy. Before we left Florida we noticed a couple of spots that needed some attention, so we called the company and spoke with the service manager, Jim. After explaining that we would be on the road most of the summer he said it may take a while to coordinate with a tech but we would be taken care of. With our itinerary and his list of mobile techs we finally were able to connect here in central Washington.

As I am writing this the tech is on our roof and finishing up the repairs so we can travel down the road with peace of mind. Kenny (the tech) is also a full time RVer who is traveling with his wife and three kids. As is common with Rvers we chatted about our lifestyles, where we have been, where we are going, and some of the challenges that we have come across. I will say that the company and everyone we have dealt with have made us happy with the choice we made getting this roof coating.

Once Kenny is done we will decide what we want to do with the rest of our day. Yesterday we went to the North Cascade National Park. It was a beautiful scenic drive with snow capped mountains, waterfalls, and lakes. We are not much into hiking and with our aches and pains still healing we limit ourselves to the driving loops with some short scenic walks. Diablo Lake was high on the list to see as was the Gorge Creek Waterfalls. Mary has lots of pictures she will share on Facebook. A picture at Diablo Lake had Mary complaining about her hair in the wind, so I tried to fix the problem. She wasn't happy with my solution. What do you think? 

Anyway, Kenny is almost done so I will sign off from our home in Everett Washington because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. WOW - almost didn't recognize you Frank without your hat on! LOL

  2. This is Linda. I think a hat is the way to go Mary. Just maybe not that one! Lovely trip.
