Tuesday, June 11, 2024

'24/#24 The Adventure Continues, Slowly

We are at our second stop through the state of Washington and getting ready to move on to the next. Our last stop was in the southern part of the state and from there we went to Mt Hood and Mt Rainier. Wonderful scenery driving through the parks and amazing views hiking some of the shorter trails. There was a little too much physical exertion compounded by our senior citizen status that added up to sore backs, pulled leg muscles, and overall aches and pains forcing us to rest at our next stop. 

 Upon our arrival in the Olympic Peninsula we first tended to our aches and pains while planning our time here. Assorted ice packs, heating pads, and our home TENS unit got us moving again, but slower.Our brains say we are still in our 20's and our bodies just laugh. We are doing OK for a couple of old farts, we just have to remember that we are a couple of old farts!

As usual we found a lighthouse and a waterfall and walked along the shore looking at Canada. We drove some of the scenic byways of Olympic National Park and Mary continues to document everything in pictures. The weather has been beautiful while we have been here as opposed to the weather we had in Oregon and southern Washington.

 That made it a good time to get all the road grime off the rig. Since we weren't near any truck washes that have worked well for us in the past, we found a local detailer that would make it all nice and clean. Old farts smart enough not to try to do it ourselves but not smart enough to let them wash the truck also. It is a lot of truck that reqires ladders and climbing to reach everything. That call was ALL on me. I told Mary to remind me how much fun it was (sarcasm) to wash the truck ourselves. The older I get the smarter I think I am.

We are expecting our mail to catch up with us and then we will head on down the road. The Post Office has been a disapointment the past several months due to poor management decisions and the inability to keep new and qualified hires. We have been using FedEx lately and with mixed results. Apparently FedEx is having the same problems as the USPS. 

It just seems like the new crop of workers don't want to work and don't have the work ethic that was there before. I know I sound like a crotchety old man and I guess I am. I sound like the generations before us that complained about our generation. I guess it is true that as we get older we become our parents. Well it is time to start our day so I will sign off from our home in Washington because.....

Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary


  1. I totally agree with the young mindset; but the older body! Glad to hear you are doing better - even if you (Frank) are trying to go overboard by washing the truck yourself! Enjoy your continued adventure.

    Work ethic with the next couple generations after us, HA!

  2. Young at heart, but definitely understand the aches and pains. Yes PO here too not that great, love how they say they are hiring but never call you. Love you both. Keep posting your adventures!

  3. I'm glad your having a good trip. We only made it to southern Oregon but it was beautiful. I especially liked the area around Mt Shasta. Have a great summer and travel safe.

  4. This is Linda Weiss. I can’t fuss with accounts they say I don’t have. Yes, slow down and smell the roses. Maybe take a tour of certain areas rather than hiking it yourself. Treat yourself You are seeing beautiful areas.
