Sunday, May 19, 2024

'24/#21 We're Not In Florida Anymore!

 Just paraphrasing Dorothy a little. With over eighty years of living in Florida combined we have acclimated ouselves to a warmer climate. Now we are spending over a month in the Pacific Northwest and it is not summer yet. That means overnight temperatures in the low forty's and highs in the mid fifty's. THAT's winter in Florida. Also did I mention that while it is cold it is also damp and it rains at least a couple of times a day. Brrrr!

The point I am making is that while we want to do and see things, getting started in the mornings is ..... let's say a challenge. The heat gets cranked up, I fill myself with coffee, and we try to motivate each other to start showers, breakfast, and getting dressed. Being retired means we don't have to keep to any schedule but we still want to keep the adventure going.

Well we are past the heat and the coffee so it looks like showers and breakfast is coming soon. I will sign off from our home in Tillamook Oregon because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

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