Saturday, May 11, 2024

'24/#19 Pacing Ourselves

 We are in a little campground alongside the Umpqua River in Oregon. My last post was about the snow around Crater Lake and how much different it was than ten days prior at White Sands New Mexico. Well we have another weather change.

We are about twenty miles from the Oregon coast as the bird flies. The elevation here is around 130 feet while Crater Lake was over 6000 feet. We are now in T-shirts and shorts as opposed to arctic wear and dealing with temperatures close to 90 degrees instead of highs in the mid 30's. Oh well, the only thing that stays the same is the fact that things will change. 

The time here in Elkton is going to be a mix of chores, down time, and exploring. Keeping the wheels rolling is tiring and expensive. Those RVers who travel, travel, travel are the ones who get burned out and disillusioned with the lifestyle. We are not on vacation and do not have to cram as much as we can in the time we have. 

Yesterday was shopping and laundry while today we took care of minor household tasks. The AC feels good and we will do some planning for the next few weeks. So I will sign off from our home in Elkton because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

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