Monday, May 13, 2024

'24/#20 The Roads Less Traveled

Just sitting here in Elkton Oregon thinking and decided to share my thoughts. This year is all about the traveling and less about the destination. When we have concentrated on getting from one destination to the next there was no better way to travel than the National Interstate Highway System. Four to eight lanes of traffic with no stop lights or intersections can put mega miles in the rear view mirror in a hurry. The only way to travel faster is by plane and where's the fun in that?

This year we are stopping and seeing things more often and are more likely off the beaten path. By eliminating the calander as our guide we are taking less traveled routes on secondary roads and state highways. Many of these are just two lane roads that go through towns, over rivers and creeks, around mountains, and just generally conform more to the terrain. The Interstate speed limit is usually between 55 and 70mph while the secondary roads can be anything between 65mph down to 35mph in town. 

With these differences we have changed our driving style. Now we plan for 200 mile days instead of 300 mile days. This means finding places to stay more often. We also have to find fuel in places that may not have truck stops. We can fuel up anyplace there is diesel but sometimes the gas stations can get cozy with a 42 foot trailer. We have been known to drop the trailer in a parking lot and just drive the truck to get diesel, but not often.

Well all I can say is that this trip is definetly different than our past travels. I guess we are taking the roads less traveled and sometimes it feels like we are lost but that's OK. This is all part of the adventure. I will sign off while sitting by the river at our home in Elkton Oregon because.....

Home is where we park it, 
Frank and Mary

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is fun to "get lost" and see what you find. Though, traveling with the RV makes it more dicey, I'm sure! Enjoy your adventures this summer and thank you for sharing. I love catching your posts.
