Sunday, May 29, 2022

'22/#14 Ow, Ow, Ow.....

 It's been two days of work here at Darien Lakes and we are feeling it. Between a month of travel (sitting in the truck) and visiting friends (sitting in restaurants) we have not been getting too much exercise. So the old muscles are getting a work out. Add to that our age which I have come to accept but Mary is fightimg to the bitter end. Today is day three and then we have four days to rest the aching bones. 

Resting will involve some work on the truck, laundry, shopping, and the whole list of chores that need  to be done around the RV. Next week we go to two days a week until the first of July. YAY! Starting that weekend the park will be open six days a week and we start our four day schedule. By then we should be back in the swing of things,

Right now I am just sitting here blogging and watching the clock get closer to the time to go to work. So I will sign off and rest in our home in Corfu because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. Two days a week is more like it. Give Mary a hug for me, stay safe and keep on keeping on.

    1. Sorry, I forgot, this is Barb.

  2. I can certainly can relate --- even with working around the yard for a month, I am still feeling those aches. Enjoy the two day a week work week for the month. I hope you get to get more site-seeing done this month since you aren't working as many days. Enjoy following your and Mary's life via your blog.
