Tuesday, July 23, 2024

'24/#35 Piling On The Miles

 It has been a week since we finished the tour and we are back on the road making our own way. Our boss from last year offered us work to finish the season in Michigan and we took advantage of the opportunity. We need a break from all the travel. Since we left Florida on March 22nd we have traveled almost 9000 miles. We plan to sit still until sometime in October.

This summer's travel also took a dip out of our wallet and there is also the wear and tear on the truck and trailer after all those miles. We will be able to replenish some of that and pay for the maintenance working the rest of the summer season. 

Speaking of miles, just this past week we have driven right around 1500 miles. Six days of overnight stays and we will be looking forward to not traveling every day. It will be nice to set up our home for an extended stay. There will be pictures put up, clocks back on the wall, and knick knacks set out to make it feel like a home. We will also be sitting still long enough for our mail to catch up with us. And finally we will have a place for Amazon to find us. I am surprised that Amazon hasn't sent out a wellness check on us! 

Well tomorrow we will be setting down some temporary roots, but for today I will say goodbye from our home in Wisconson because ....

Home is where we park it, 

Frank and Mary

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