Wednesday, July 3, 2024

'24/#30 Eh?!?

 We made it! We are in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The ride up from Shelby was an easy and scenic drive drive through the northern farmlands and oil fields of Montana. We made friends in Shelby who were also going on this RV tour and decided to caravan together. One stop at the border and one more for the others to let the dogs out and we were settled in at the rally gounds by three o'clock.

 That's us in the middle

The customs check at the border was so much easier than we expected. A few questions about booze, guns, pepper spray, and ammo and we were on our way. Our past experiences crossing into Canada were just as easy, but this is our first time with the RV. Our past crossings back in the U.S. were not as easy. We are not looking forward to what may happen on our return to the U.S. with the RV. We will plan for the worst and hope for the best. That is kinda our S.O.P.

Well the weather is poopie as Mary might say. Since we got here a day early we have nothing to do until tonight's orientation. We are looking forward to all the activities planned for the next two weeks. 

We did go shopping for a few essentials we couldn't bring into Canada and filled the truck with diesel. Fuel is dispensed by the liter and not the gallon. After all the conversions and calculations we paid $6.09 a gallon in Canadian with the exchange rate equaling about $4.48 in U.S. dollars. Still a little higher than we pay in the states but acceptable on this once in a lifetime adventure.

Well I am going to relax under cloudy skies until tonights festivities begin in our home in Calgary Canada because....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. As I mentioned to you while in Washington, you shouldn’t have any problem crossing into Canada. For your return trip to the US, make sure you keep your receipts for purchased items that you will be bringing back into the US. Keep in mind that they will ask the same questions upon your return. No need to worry, you’ll be fine. Enjoy Canada. It’s a beautiful place.
    Steve says hello. Take care.

  2. It’s Linda. Enjoy!
