Sunday, January 5, 2020

'20/#2 Unsung Volunteers

2019 ended with the usual flurry of holiday activity and the activity is carrying over into 2020. The weekly activities that were suspended during the past few weeks are getting started again. As is common in most RV parks all the fun and games rely on the volunteers that organize, run, set up, and clean up to keep things running smoothly.  Now if you know Mary she is one to step up and take charge when needed. If you know both of us you also know when you get one of us for anything you usually get both of us. I have resigned myself to the fact that I am a volunteer whether I know it or not.

Here in Texas Trails there are sign up sheets for all the activities and I make it a point to check and see what I have volunteered for. Many times I have volunteered and signed my name in Mary's handwriting. During the activities I get the chance to talk to other volunteer husbands that don't remember signing up but nonetheless are here doing their part. The common factor is they seem to volunteer in their wives' handwriting. None of us mind as long as we get a heads up before we actually have to show up. We are the unsung and sometimes unknowing volunteers that keep the park a community.

The next few months will be plenty busy for us. We have a laundry list of things to do before we get back on the road in the spring. All of this is in addition to the activities in the park that we participate in and some of the excursions we have planned in the Rio Grande Valley. It still amazes me how full our calender gets even though we are retired. I'm not sure how I ever found time to hold a full time job before.

Well I have to go and check the volunteer sign up sheet so I will be saying goodbye from our home in the RGV because.....

Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary


  1. "volunteer in their wives' handwriting" LOL

  2. I remember those days and miss everyone of them! :) But that is a funny comment, good job buddy!
