Wednesday, January 1, 2020

'20/#1 A New Year and Life Goes On

Happy New Year to everyone and welcome to 2020! After bringing in the New Year twice, once on TV on the east coast and again in person in Texas in central time, it is time to start the new decade. It is also time to remember the past year so we can appreciate what we have and also what we have lost. It is a time to plan for the future. So my rambling begins.

2019 was like any other year with it's ups and downs. As travelers we saw many wonderful places and got to meet a ton of great people. In our travels we had a few mishaps that in the grand scheme of things were truly only bumps in the road. At the time it may have seemed bigger, but bumps and bruises are signs of a life lived to the fullest. The past twelve months also had a number of people leave our lives. Some moved on to live where we probably won't see them again, but we never know. Others have moved on to a more permanent destination where we know we won't see them again. Those, especially the ones closest to us, really can be as close as the memories we have of them. I'm not trying to minimize the loss, I am just saying that life goes on and hopefully the memories of the good times will help numb the pain of loss that we all feel.

Now 2020 will be a year like no other simply because all of us have to do our part to make it what it will be remembered for. First I would like to say something and get it out of the way. 2020 is a presidential election year and everybody has an opinion. I am not taking sides here but I am saying that if you have an opinion the place it matters the most is the ballot box. 2016's 60% voter turnout is shameful. Government by the people means ALL the people! Just vote! And please let us be civil to each other.

Off the soap box and back to our plans for 2020. As I have posted before we will not be workcamping this year but will do more traveling in and around our old stomping grounds. We will be trying to reconnect with friends, old friends, and some really old friends and visiting with as much family as possible. Along the way we want to give our home some much needed TLC and possibly some up grades to take us into this new decade and all that it promises. Since our home is on wheels and our plans are written in jello we are just making tentative travel plans. We are also looking for new workcamping opportunities along the way. We might even find one near these old friends and family.

Right now I am looking out the window at a dreary rainy January 1st, but maybe it is 2020's way of washing off the old 2019 to give us a new clean slate to mark our own 2020 on. So, again, Happy New Year to everybody who follows us from our home on wheels in Pharr Texas because......

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. I'll keep track of your travels, so this time I'm able to visit face to face!

  2. Mary, sister you are looking great!!!! That old man better get in shape and be careful :) We miss you guys and can't wait to see you again once your back in Florida.

    John and Mia
