Friday, August 11, 2023

'23/#17 Two Part Catch Up

 It has been a while so either one really long blog or two shorter ones are in order. I choose to spread it out. So here goes.

The last month or so has been less than blog worthy. Eventful? Yes. Shareable? Maybe. Mary had to have cataract surgery so that has curtailed a lot of what we would have liked to be doing in the U.P. Surgeries, follow-ups, and post surgery care took up most of our days off. The manager here has been awesome about schedules to accommodate us as have the rest of the crew. It is a good crew and we all try to help each other out whenever we can. 

During this time we also had to work. July and August is peak season here in the Upper Peninsula so it has been very busy. Most of our work is indoors so it was easier keeping dust and smoke out of Mary's eyes. The eye drop regimen was my responsiblity. Multiple drops, multiple times a day, and different schedules due to staggered surgeries kept me on my toes. After all Mary has been through I didn't want anything to get screwed up, especially because I might mess up her eye drops. One eye is done and two more weeks of drops for the other and Mary will be good to go.

Now that the eye thing is just about done we will get back to our adventure. We have some things to take care of today so I will continue blogging later. We are headed back to Sault St Marie next.  This will be more of what this blog is about. So until later from our home in Michigan because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

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