Saturday, February 18, 2023

'23/#1 I AM Still Alive!

 It has been almost three months since my last blog. WOW! That almost sounds like I am going to confession. Anyway, I just haven't felt like blogging. Nobody is happy and giddy all the time. Sometimes things just don't feel so upbeat. Not that anything is wrong. No melt down, no mental health issues, nothing to worry about, just down time for the sake of having down time. I am getting older (who isn't) and have been thinking more about the future. Introspection is a solo and personal endeavour and that describes my last few months. On to the blog.

Let's see, the last blog was Thanksgiving and our holiday was nice and quiet as usual. Christmas was very much the same. We have seen family when we can. The grandkids are growing up and are sooo busy! New Years Eve was celebrated as a lot of us seniors celebrate the holiday. EARLY! Stayed up to watch the Times Square ball drop and then to bed.

We have also been getting together with friends from Zephyrhills, our RV travels, and our postal retiree group. Drove to Sanford for a Japanese latern festival, saw the brother-in-laws, and also went to Orlando for a show at the Improv. During that time the RV show was in town and we never miss that! Didn't see any RVs we needed and didn't buy much in the way of acessories or gadgets. It seems we have finally got this RVing thing down pat. We did sign up for an RV caravan at the RV show. Calgary, Banff, and Glacier National Park have been on our bucket list for years and we are finally doing it, but not until the summer of 2024.

Summer of 2023 is rapidly approaching and we have to get our travel plans set. After a couple of interviews we have accepted summer positions in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, also known as the U.P. This is a part of the country wanted to see and will now  get crossed off the list. At the end of our commitment in the U.P. we will head south and be in Abequerque N.M. in October for the Hot Air Balloon Festival. This is another bucket list item.

For now we are keeping busy here in Zephyrhills. At our age doctor appointments become part of the regular routine so that takes up some of our time. That and our workcamping jobs and working on getting the rig ready for the next adventure is filling up the calendar. Next month we will leave here for a week to go to a rally in Georgia and return for the rest of the winter Snow Bird season.

I think I am caught up and I will try to blog on a more regular basis. Now that I have crawled out from under this rock I will sign off from our home in Zephyrhills Florida because.......

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. We all need to retreat and recharge. More often as we age. But you are still busier in the past few months than I’ve in the past year. And just catching up with the people you love is exciting. That’s what life is all about. Oh yes…and supporting your local physicians too. 😉Stay well and recharge.
    Love to you and Mary.

    1. Thanks for the comment. Nice to hear from followers. If you would change "anonymous" to something that will let me know who you are. Doesn''''t have to be a name or e-address, just something I will see and think of you.

    2. It wasn’t clear that I needed to do this. Love your first gal friend from Alexander Avenue. I’m your first commenter. ❤️

  2. Listen to your body. Take time to recharge. Excited about your travels to up. That is on my bucket list. Hopefully us girls can come see you in august.

  3. I love comments. If you could change "anonymous" to something that will tell me who you are it would be great. It doesn't have to be a name or e-address, just something that will make me think of you.

  4. You're going to travel to Margie's home as she grew up in the U.P. Get's cold early in the year there. Hope to see you both soon.

    1. Retiree lunch 3/24 ? Congrats on the new addition to your family

    2. You will love Calgary…and Banff is the absolute favorite place I’ve ever been! It’s so beautiful!

  5. Your post reminded me of the Whos from Who-ville: (Boil that dust speck! Boil that dust speck!) We're Here!! We're Here!!! We're Here!!!!!

    (Seriously, good to see you back to blogging.)
