Thursday, August 5, 2021

'21/#28 The Fourth Quarter Nears

 It is that time of the season again when attitudes change and looking forward occupies our minds more and more. It is the approach of the fourth quarter. Our workcamping season, and it seems most other workcampers also, can be broken down  in quarters with certain changes inevitable.

The first quarter is when we arrive at a new place and a new job. Everything is new. The people we work with, the job, the area, the weather, and the activities we plan while we are here are all new. It is exciting and challenging and time filling to say the least. Time does fly by.

The second quarter is when we become good at the new job and get to know our coworkers. We develop friendships, start to spend time out and about, find the stores and restaurants that we like in the area. It is starting to feel like home.

The third quarter is when the job becomes routine. These are part time and temporary jobs so it doesn't take long to get so good at it that it starts to seem like you are in a rut. This is also when we really get to know the people we work with. Friends stay friends but others start to get on your nerves and you find yourself not liking them very much. This is also the time that thoughts about the end of the season creep into conversations. What route are we taking, what do we want to see on the way, and most important what RV parks will we stay at along the way. Parks will fill quickly with the snowbird migration in full swing. AND we will talk about the fourth quarter.

The fourth quarter is the most difficult to deal with. This is when we start asking "why can't we leave now?". This conversation is just one big pro vs con list. Do we want to get to Florida this early? Too hot. If we leave early can we still use this job on our resume? Prrobably not. Do we want to give up the commitment bonus for staying through the season? Not if the incentive is worth the stay. And finally do we want to leave the friends we have at work in the lurch by leaving early? Definitely not!

Well it is the end of the third quarter and we are having these conversations again. We still have plans with our friends here and the end of season bonus is substantial though not enough to stay through October. We have started making plans and reservations for the trek south and are looking forward to seeing some of the sights along the way. We will also get to see some of the friends we have made over the years while we take a relaxing trip to our winter home in Florida where we  will see more friends an family.

So for now the clock is ticking in our home in Corfu NY because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. Spot on Frank....same here in South Dakota. We are also in the final countdown stage 56 days until we hit the road. In fact, today on our day off, we are tidying up around the RV to start prepping for departure....small world, but tight knit for sure.
    We are possibly revising our plans as we may delay our arrival in Florida due to the mess there right now with Covid. I will be in touch with Mary when we plan on arriving so we can get together and get caught up!

  2. Glad you're looking describe the lifestyle pretty darned accurately. I enjoy reading these.

  3. Nice to know that you both have become quite so accustomed to such a welcoming area. Honestly, FL looking kinda scary for my return South. Making plans to stick around Shenandoah Valley as long as the current situation continues. But, who knows, should I find that 'cabin in the woods' here, I may strike off to get St Pete sold....
    Glad you two have gotten your plans all set for the Winter Season.
