The last blog talked about lighthouses on Lake Ontario. The next day we went west and saw some on Lake Erie between Buffalo and the NY/Pennsylvania border. The first was the Barcelona Lighthouse in Westfield NY. This lighthouse is one of the more rustic we have seen so far. It was completed in 1829 and it shows the creative use of the materials at hand. Though it is no longer used as a navigation aid it is still lit and on the US National Historic Register.
Just a few miles up the coast we found Dunkirk Light. This light is almost as old but was constructed with more, shall I say refined, materials.
The property also contains a museum and a number of artifacts about the light, the people who manned it, and the history of navigation on the Great Lakes. As is expected there is a gift shop but Mary tried to get her own souviner.

It was time to head homeward so we planned on stopping at one more light house in Buffalo. It turned out that the Buffalo Main Lighthouse was on Coast Guard Station property and the gate was locked. Our disapointment was soon washed away. I saw what looked like a flock of birds flying in fomation as birds are known to do, but the sun was reflected off one of them. That is when I realized that they were not birds. Way off in the distance the Navy's Blue Angels were practicing for the weekend show over the Buffalo waterfront. The planes flew straight at us and practiced their routine right in front of us as we joined hundreds of others who had pulled their cars over for an impromptu and seemingly private performance just for us. No crowds, no jostling for position, and best of all no ticket needed. It was the perfect end to another perfect day.

With a great time on our days off it was back to work for the weekend. It was another busy couple of days but as usual we had fun with our coworkers and the campground guests. This is our life here in western New York. Adventures, exploring, work, and having fun doing it all.
Until the next blog this is goodbye from our home at Darien Lakes because,
Home is where we park it,
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