Thursday, December 10, 2020

'20/#26 Choose Your Pandemic Pals Wisely

 No one needs to be told that we are living in a different world but some people do need to be told how to live during these trying times. We have been traveling this summer and fall but we are trying to do it responsibly. We wear our masks in public, we do not socialize any more than is necessary, and we DO NOT socialize with anyone who is or has been sick. We get together only with those that we trust to keep us informed of their Covid or near Covid status. These are not fool proof methods of avoiding the virus but we are comfortable with the level of effectiveness that they provide. 

That being said, it was only a matter of time before someone that we thought we could trust would not be forthcoming about their Covid status. One half of a couple we know got the virus and was admitted into the hospital. He is doing better now and for that we are greatful. We were planning on getting together with this couple and called to confirm our plans. The sad part is that if it had not come up in the conversation we would never have know about the virus being in their home and the possibility of transmitting it to us. To us this is totally irresponsible. 

We don't want to write these folks off as friends but we will reevalute our level of friendship with them. We have friends who have cancelled plans with us because they were sick and did not know for sure if it was or was not the virus. Others have cancelled because someone they knew had the virus or someone they were close with knew someone who had the Covid virus. This is how a responsible friend acts. Should we find ourselves in proximity to someone with the Covid virus or are not feeling well ourselves we will isolate, separate, and insulate to protect ourselves and others from transmission of the virus or any other illness.

For now we are well and there is no Covid in the park where we are staying. Everyone here is doing there best to social isolate without becoming total hermits. Also our family and friends are reporting little or no Covid illness or exposure and for that we are very greatful. So all I can say is stay safe and remember that taking precautions against this very serious illness is not just for your own health. You are showing that you care about your loved ones and strangers alike by wearing a mask, washing hands often, using sanitizer, and staying six feet apart.

Stay healthy like we are doing in our home in Ocala Florida because...

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

1 comment:

  1. Agree with all stated. We are adults and must protect not only ourselves..................but those we love as well. Best of luck to your friend(s) who are ill, we will keep them in our prayers!

    John and Mia (Meow)
