I don't know what we expected after 7 years but we were still stunned at how much the kids had grown. Everyone was so excited & we picked up right where we left off. Catching up on 7 years, enjoying a great meal, & spending time with old friends is a great way to spend a day. We called it a night early for us but it was time for us to go.
We were staying at an Army Corps of Engineering campground & they lock the gates at 10pm so we had a curfew. Between that & the country back roads we had to take I wanted to leave us plenty of time to get home. Once we were safely home we relaxed until it was time to go to bed.
Today we had nothing to do but get ready for tomorrows departure. After some breakfast we planned our route out of Texas & on to Wyoming. Our route is planned around fuel stops, rest stops, & overnight stays. We also have to watch out for routes that may take us toward overpasses that we can't fit under. Our overall height is over 13' so it is an important consideration. Maps, routing software, & campground research brings on a headache so we decided to have dinner before we did anything else.
After our walk we unhooked our water line & hooked up the truck so we don't have to do it in the morning. We are going to try to hit the road around 7am so we don't have to rush down the road. It is now bed time so goodnight from our home just outside of Maypearl TX because.......
Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary
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