Well, the park manager at this pet friendly park was not available & the office e-mail did not work so we did what any upset patron would do. We went on the INTERNET & spoke our mind about this pet friendly park. Strawberry Park of Preston CT is not being spoken of kindly on the Internet tonight especially about their pet friendly policy. Since they do not have a working e-mail, no available manager, & only a recording in the office we walked to the office & taped a copy of what would have been in the e-mail to the door. Tomorrow morning will be interesting.
Tonight we have a more important mission which we have chosen to accept. We must walk the dog. It is now dark & the moon is waning so conditions are perfect. With out any lights in "stealth mode" the mission commences. Proceeding furtively past RVs in the dark we final have a "poop"! Mission accomplished! The only thing left is to remove all signs of our presence & destroy the evidence. Once back to home base it is time for debriefing & well deserved celebration for a "Mission Accomplished".
OK does anyone else find this ridiculous. I understand "their park their rules" but shouldn't the rules make some sense. Either you are pet friendly or you're not. They could always have had a "No Pets" policy instead of making pet owners miserable. That would have been better business if not good business. Instead they have pissed off a customer with Internet access(at the park's expense) & nothing but time to use it. That doesn't make good business sense!
We want to be up early if the manager wants a show down so it will be an early night for us in our "not so pet friendly" home in Preston CT because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary & Secret Agent Foxy
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