Saturday, May 22, 2010

#62 It's Been a Dull Week

Just a dull week getting things done before we leave here for the next leg of our adventure. Monday was laundry day as usual & while I was in town I checked in with the local Ford dealer for some routine maintenance. Getting the truck in for an oil change & transmission service can be a challenge. Just about every dealer can take care of it but they don't always have many diesel mechanics, so scheduling can sometimes be an issue. As it turned out the soonest they could do the work was Friday. That worked out OK since we don't leave until Wednesday & since the weather called for rain for the next few days Friday's clear forecast was a bonus. No one wants to sit in a dealers waiting room for a couple of hours anyway.

Tuesday was rainy as predicted so we drove up to the Green Valley Book Fair. Think a warehouse/barn with all kinds of books from 50% to 90% off. At least 2 hours later (the place is huge!) we had an armful of books & the wallet was only $20 or so lighter. We are talking a mix of hard & soft cover books. We could have bought a lot more but we have space & weight issues to consider. Wednesday was another rainy day so we stayed in our PJs most of the day. It was a good day to update our computer firewall/spyware which took almost 3 hours. It's nice to have 3 computers but every once in a while it is a pain, but overall it is worth it.

As predicted the weather cleared up on Thursday so we went outside to do some cleaning & maintenance on the rig. I got up on the roof to clean some of the seams & re-caulk. We had developed a small leak but like any house it has to be maintained. RVing isn't just for vacation time. I also cut an opening in the bottom of the rig to run some electrical cords for out side use. Now I know you are all thinking, "what a hard working guy, but what is Mary doing?". Well, let me tell you that I got off easy. This dear wonderful woman that I was lucky enough to get to marry me was more than busy. She ONLY waxed 40' of RV,top to bottom, front to back, & it shined. People tell us how nice our rig looks & that it doesn't look it's age & all I can say is it is because of the work we do all the time. I do a lot of fixer up stuff but Mary is the one that makes it look good both inside & out. Sometimes I even help, but I can only take so much credit.

Friday we got up early to got to Ford. Hopefully if they get it in early they can get it back early but no promises. Mary drove the truck & I followed on my bike. This was one of those rare times Mary doesn't ride her own bike but it works out for us. We got long overdue haircuts & did some shopping. Shopping is limited when you are on a motorcycle so it didn't take long. We then rode back to the trailer & decided we would load Mary's bike since the days before we leave call for rain. My bike would be loaded after we got the truck back. Mary has been adamant about learning how to do everything around the rig so I figured now was a good time for her to learn how to load the bikes. I usually load them & she helps me tie them down, but she had never driven one up the ramp & into the wheel chocks. She was momentarily stunned when I told her to load the bike but she sucked it up & said "OK", & as usual she she proved to herself what I already knew. She can do anything once she decides to. Oh by the way, she was so proud that she did this that she made sure that I wrote about it in the blog, so here it is. The truck was done late in the afternoon, we picked it up, took a bite out of the check book, went home, loaded my bike, & called it a day,

Saturday more rain, so we slept in, went out to dinner, & did some grocery shopping. Sunday & Monday we will start packing up, weather permitting. Tuesday will be laundry day & Wednesday we leave. We plan on an overnight stop in PA & then on to Jersey City & NYC. 5 days in the Big Apple! Not enough time, but I am sure we will return. So for now we are still calling Greenville our home because....

Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary

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