Saturday, January 4, 2025

'25/#1 January 1st And A Clean Slate

 Many people look at New Year as a fresh beginning, a new start, and maybe a reset but is it? The past year, or ten years, or fifty years don't go away. So no matter how you look at it the new year is just the next building block of our lives. The past cannot be changed and it can't truly be ignored and it will most definitely affect the future. That is what the new year is. It is a time to look at the past and decide how you want to live your future. Check out the triumphs and the mistakes and learn from them as you plan the next year, or ten, or fifty. And most of all keep laughing and enjoy!

That being said, instead of resolutions or bucket lists this year I am looking toward the past. Our life, with it's ups and downs, has been absolutely amazing. I look at the places we've been, the things we've seen, and especially the people we have met. Our list of friends is longer than my arm and has people from coast to coast and also across four continents. As in the past I refer back to the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" and quote Clarence the angel when he writes "No man is poor who has friends". I may not be able to put it in the bank but it is a richness I don't take for granted.

So I will start this New Year with the goal to keep living my life, seeing new things and places, smiling and laughing, and most of all doing it all with old friends and new friends. And it goes without saying, I will do all that with my best friend, my partner, my wife, Mary. For thirty-six years it has worked out better than we could have hoped for so we will keep on doing what has worked in the past.

Here's hoping that everyone had a good holiday season and will have a great year to come. These wishes come from our home in Zephyrhills because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary