Well here we are in our home for the winter, Ocala Florida. We have been through Ocala many times but have never really stayed here so we will get to know this part of Florida a little bit better. This park is very nice and well maintained. It is sure to be a good place to winter. The Snowbirds are not here yet but starting the first of November they will be flocking into the park as well as the rest of Florida. With Covid19 we are not sure about the migration of the Canadian Snowbird population. Only time and the Canadian government will tell.
The RV is just about all set up and we have spent the past two days getting our bearings. Grocery stores, drug stores, Walmart, and the ever popular "dollar" stores are always on our list to find. Even though the park has it's own laundry we will find a local laundromat because the park facility is not that large and can easily become overwhelmed. There are many restaurants we want to try in the area and some of our favorites are not far away.
We start our workcamping this weekend and will be working for our site and electric. I am sure we will get involved in whatever activities they can safely provide while maintaining safe practices during this Corona pandemic. We will see how things unfold as time goes on.
Onto another topic. Tuesday is election day, November 3rd. It is always important to vote but this year there are too many things going on for apathy to be any part of the election process.If you haven't already voted make sure you do by Tuesday. This government is of the people, by the people, and for the people but only if the people do their part and VOTE! Only if the people vote will the country be run as the majority of the people want. No matter how you vote remember that voting is the American way to be heard.
I am signing off now and will be watching the election results from our home in Ocala, Florida of the USA because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary