Just about everybody works with an eye on the light at the end of the tunnel, the light being retirement. We all put in those years in the work force looking forward to the time that we can do what we want, when we want, and relax...especially relax. Well be forewarned that retirement can be as hectic as any job only more so because you are doing what you want to do.
Here at Texas Trails we enjoy our time in the office. It is relaxing and low pressure and well worth the compensation we get. On the other hand as residents of the park we like to volunteer as a way of getting to know the other residents. It also lets us get involved in groups, activities, and other get togethers. If we are not careful we can get ourselves over extended as we did the past two weeks. Between the holiday preparations and the weekly Chuck Wagon dinner we knew it would be a busy time. Add to that one of the girls in the office had a family emergency and as the friends we have become over the years we stepped in to fill the gap. Also as will happen in a group of people of a certain age (seniors) someone wasn't feeling well and could not do the shopping for the kitchen activities. As a Chuck Wagon volunteer we volunteered to do the shopping for the next two weeks. Toss in our usual household chores and a doctor's visit or two and the last two weeks has us beyond tired or retired. We are now reretired.
This next week has a lot of blanks on the calender and the plan is to keep it that way. A relaxing week and a planned date night just for the two of us will go miles to help us recharge our batteries before the next round of holidays. Christmas will be just the two of us but we have volunteered to take charge of decorating for New Years Eve and will also help in the kitchen. After that we have President's Day, St Patrick's Day, Valentines Day, Easter, and (we should be gone by then) Memorial Day. All these holidays are celebrated in one way or another in the park. Based on our full calender I'm not sure when I had time to work before retirement.
I have been making time to blog in the middle of all that has been going on but I will say goodbye for now from our home in South Texas because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Sunday, December 8, 2019
'19/#40 Remember Wheels and Jello
Mary and I were just sitting around and talking about ideas for the next year. We are always saying our house is on wheels and our plans are written in jello so things can change in a moment, so this is tentative right now. In other words no one should be getting excited or changing their own plans based on what I am writing today.
"Home is where we park it" is our motto but we still consider Florida home. They say home is where the heart is and since all of our children and grandchildren are in Florida.... We also have a lot of friends that we made while living, raising our family,and working that are still living in Pinellas County. These are people we haven't seen in almost three years of traveling in western America. Having grown up in NY and Virginia we have a lot of people from our past still living in or near the I-95 corridor that we also haven't seen in many years. Well we think that will change this next summer.
We have plans that will not include workcamping. First we will head up to Indiana to give our almost 15 year old rig some much needed TLC. Indiana is where most RVs are made and the parts and know how are centered there. What better place to get some of this work done? After that the plan is to travel up and down the east coast and see as many of these long lost friends as possible. We just want to visit some of our old stomping grounds.
Like anyone else we have friends and family from school, from work, and from raising our family. Our travels have allowed us to make even more friends all over the country. We are enjoying our life and consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to look back at how many friends we do have. As Clarence from "It's A Wonderful Life" wrote, "no man is a failure who has friends". With that in mind Mary and I feel we are living a most successful life and are grateful to everyone who has let us into theirs.
With a general outline for next year we will try to make some plans and hope the jello does not get disturbed too much. Keep your eyes and ears open as we firm up our plans and hopefully we can see as many of our friends and family as possible next year.
I will leave you with wishes for you to have a happy and healthy holiday season with those near and dear to you from our home here in the Rio Grande Valley because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
"Home is where we park it" is our motto but we still consider Florida home. They say home is where the heart is and since all of our children and grandchildren are in Florida.... We also have a lot of friends that we made while living, raising our family,and working that are still living in Pinellas County. These are people we haven't seen in almost three years of traveling in western America. Having grown up in NY and Virginia we have a lot of people from our past still living in or near the I-95 corridor that we also haven't seen in many years. Well we think that will change this next summer.
We have plans that will not include workcamping. First we will head up to Indiana to give our almost 15 year old rig some much needed TLC. Indiana is where most RVs are made and the parts and know how are centered there. What better place to get some of this work done? After that the plan is to travel up and down the east coast and see as many of these long lost friends as possible. We just want to visit some of our old stomping grounds.
Like anyone else we have friends and family from school, from work, and from raising our family. Our travels have allowed us to make even more friends all over the country. We are enjoying our life and consider ourselves very fortunate to be able to look back at how many friends we do have. As Clarence from "It's A Wonderful Life" wrote, "no man is a failure who has friends". With that in mind Mary and I feel we are living a most successful life and are grateful to everyone who has let us into theirs.
With a general outline for next year we will try to make some plans and hope the jello does not get disturbed too much. Keep your eyes and ears open as we firm up our plans and hopefully we can see as many of our friends and family as possible next year.
I will leave you with wishes for you to have a happy and healthy holiday season with those near and dear to you from our home here in the Rio Grande Valley because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, November 30, 2019
'19/#39 Black Friday Boycot
Black Friday as noted on Facebook is the day people trample each other to get more stuff the day after they gave thanks for all that they already have. We do not participate in the spending insanity but take the day to reflect on our life as it has been and what it will be in the future.
If you have been following us you know we are living our dream. As far as we are concerned it is a wonderful life regardless of how we got here. I believe in the butterfly effect theory that says the flap of a single butterfly's wings can start a chain reaction that can totally affect events in the distant future anywhere on earth. Therefore I have no regrets. Every choice I have made, every action I have taken, and every person I have met has led me to this point in my life. If anything along the way had happened differently I might not be who I am, where I am, or with whom I am today. So to everyone who has crossed my path in any way at all I thank you for all that I have to be grateful for.
That being said I am happy to say that I got to talk to just about everyone that I wanted to and know that they all are doing well. I also want to say thank you to everyone who sent Thanksgiving wishes and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to anyone we missed. Now that Thanksgiving is over I have resigned myself to the fact that Christmas is on the way and we all will be inundated with commercials and music and holiday greetings for the next month.
To everyone out there, take the time to remember what is important in your life. Hopefully it is not just stuff like Christmas or Chanukah presents but the time spent with friends and family throughout the holidays and into the New Year. I will sign off now as the park starts to decorate for Christmas in our home in Pharr because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
If you have been following us you know we are living our dream. As far as we are concerned it is a wonderful life regardless of how we got here. I believe in the butterfly effect theory that says the flap of a single butterfly's wings can start a chain reaction that can totally affect events in the distant future anywhere on earth. Therefore I have no regrets. Every choice I have made, every action I have taken, and every person I have met has led me to this point in my life. If anything along the way had happened differently I might not be who I am, where I am, or with whom I am today. So to everyone who has crossed my path in any way at all I thank you for all that I have to be grateful for.
That being said I am happy to say that I got to talk to just about everyone that I wanted to and know that they all are doing well. I also want to say thank you to everyone who sent Thanksgiving wishes and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to anyone we missed. Now that Thanksgiving is over I have resigned myself to the fact that Christmas is on the way and we all will be inundated with commercials and music and holiday greetings for the next month.
To everyone out there, take the time to remember what is important in your life. Hopefully it is not just stuff like Christmas or Chanukah presents but the time spent with friends and family throughout the holidays and into the New Year. I will sign off now as the park starts to decorate for Christmas in our home in Pharr because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Sunday, November 24, 2019
'19/#38 Thankful? Oh Yeah! But...
It is that time of year when we eat too much food, watch too much TV, and give thanks for all we have. Our Thanksgivings have been scaled down to just the two of us over the past few years. We have the traditional eats on the table in moderation, watch the Macy's parade, and get in touch with the people we are thankful to have in our lives. We also give thanks for our health and the ability to live the lifestyle that we have chosen. A quiet day for the two of us to reflect on all we have has become our Thanksgiving.
Soon we will be in Christmas and Hanukkah mode. The decorations will be pulled out and cards will be written and sent spreading wishes to all this holiday season. The week after Thanksgiving we will decorate the house and start preparing for Christmas and Hanukkah. We have the DVR all set to record our favorite Holiday movies, shows, and cartoons to binge watch all Christmas week before we welcome the New Year.
It all goes by so fast, why would anyone want to rush it even more? Apparently some one's calender is on fast forward because in addition to all the early Christmas merchandise that has been in the stores Christmas carols are starting up with a vengeance. Am I the only one who thinks it is too early for Christmas carols? I always thought that the Christmas season started after Thanksgiving when Santa arrived on his sleigh to close the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! The big tree at Rockefeller Center is lit on December 4th and the tree on the grounds of the White House in Washington D.C. is lit on December 5th so why are we listening to Christmas carols a week before Thanksgiving? Why have the Black Friday sales been going on for two weeks?
The all mighty dollar is ruining everything that is good about spending the holidays with family and friends and I for one am sick of it. I will NOT shop on Black Friday, I will NOT play Christmas music before December 1st, I will NOT decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, and I will NOT judge the quality of the holidays by the gifts I did or did not give or receive! I will stay in touch with friends and family, I will try to get in touch with people I haven't heard from or seen in a while, and I will reflect on all that I have in my life that is not measured by a number on a cash register or a bank account.
So this is Happy Thanksgiving and a wish that you have much to be thankful for from our home in Pharr Texas because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Soon we will be in Christmas and Hanukkah mode. The decorations will be pulled out and cards will be written and sent spreading wishes to all this holiday season. The week after Thanksgiving we will decorate the house and start preparing for Christmas and Hanukkah. We have the DVR all set to record our favorite Holiday movies, shows, and cartoons to binge watch all Christmas week before we welcome the New Year.
It all goes by so fast, why would anyone want to rush it even more? Apparently some one's calender is on fast forward because in addition to all the early Christmas merchandise that has been in the stores Christmas carols are starting up with a vengeance. Am I the only one who thinks it is too early for Christmas carols? I always thought that the Christmas season started after Thanksgiving when Santa arrived on his sleigh to close the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade! The big tree at Rockefeller Center is lit on December 4th and the tree on the grounds of the White House in Washington D.C. is lit on December 5th so why are we listening to Christmas carols a week before Thanksgiving? Why have the Black Friday sales been going on for two weeks?
The all mighty dollar is ruining everything that is good about spending the holidays with family and friends and I for one am sick of it. I will NOT shop on Black Friday, I will NOT play Christmas music before December 1st, I will NOT decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving, and I will NOT judge the quality of the holidays by the gifts I did or did not give or receive! I will stay in touch with friends and family, I will try to get in touch with people I haven't heard from or seen in a while, and I will reflect on all that I have in my life that is not measured by a number on a cash register or a bank account.
So this is Happy Thanksgiving and a wish that you have much to be thankful for from our home in Pharr Texas because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Sunday, November 17, 2019
'19/#37 Kicking Off The Season In Personal Style
'Tis the season as they say and we are kicking it off like we do every year...with birthdays! Mary just celebrated hers on November 16th and mine will follow four days later. I think she planned it that way so if I forgot her birthday mine would be one I would NOT want to remember(HAHA). Presents are not something we concern ourselves with. We are at that stage in our lives that we get what we want when we want and just enjoy the fact that we have reached another milestone. We will go out for a nice dinner during the week to celebrate both birthdays and get on with life. Oh, and Mary did get her birthday cake. I learned that lesson a long time ago!
Once the birthdays are done we have the rest of the holiday season to look forward to. I enjoy the holidays as much as anyone but lets keep each holiday in it's place. Does anyone else find the holidays creeping up earlier and earlier every year? It was always Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. Now we are seeing advertisements and merchandise up to two months before each holiday. Pretty soon Black Friday will start right after the 4th of July!!!
My Halloween candy is almost gone and we are planning Thanksgiving dinner. There is a community pot luck dinner in the hall but dinner is served at noon, too early for us. We don't even get out of bed much before 10am and usually stay in our PJs most if not all day. We record the NY Thanksgiving Day Parade and watch it at our leisure as we prepare dinner. Then we eat, watch movies, call friends and family, and reflect on all that we are thankful for.
We especially make a point at looking at Black Friday sales and laugh at all the insanity that we will not participate in on the kick off for "Materialistic Christmas". Again we plan for a relaxing day of food, friends, family, and most of all each other. We hope that your holidays are everything you hope they will be and find you well through and into the New Year.
I will sign off now while I internet shop for all the things I will not buy from our home here in the Rio Grande Valley because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Once the birthdays are done we have the rest of the holiday season to look forward to. I enjoy the holidays as much as anyone but lets keep each holiday in it's place. Does anyone else find the holidays creeping up earlier and earlier every year? It was always Halloween in October, Thanksgiving in November, and Christmas in December. Now we are seeing advertisements and merchandise up to two months before each holiday. Pretty soon Black Friday will start right after the 4th of July!!!
My Halloween candy is almost gone and we are planning Thanksgiving dinner. There is a community pot luck dinner in the hall but dinner is served at noon, too early for us. We don't even get out of bed much before 10am and usually stay in our PJs most if not all day. We record the NY Thanksgiving Day Parade and watch it at our leisure as we prepare dinner. Then we eat, watch movies, call friends and family, and reflect on all that we are thankful for.
We especially make a point at looking at Black Friday sales and laugh at all the insanity that we will not participate in on the kick off for "Materialistic Christmas". Again we plan for a relaxing day of food, friends, family, and most of all each other. We hope that your holidays are everything you hope they will be and find you well through and into the New Year.
I will sign off now while I internet shop for all the things I will not buy from our home here in the Rio Grande Valley because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Thursday, November 14, 2019
'19/#36 Down Time
We have been back in the Rio Grande Valley now for two weeks and it has been a whirlwind of activity. Also the weather has been a little crazy but not as much as the rest of the country has seen. Today is a do nothing day just because we can!
In the past two weeks Mary has touched base with her local doctors to get them up to speed from the last six months in California. I on the other hand will not see a doctor until agony sets in or Mary is tired of my complaining. Some prescriptions have been refilled and our health is on track so we can get on with enjoying life.
The RV had a water issue on our way down to south Texas. Somewhere along the way we got the on board fresh water supply contaminated. It wasn't a serious or unhealthy situation but it did need to be taken care of. Several days of sanitizing the fresh water tank and water lines plus replacing all the filters solved all the issues. This is just part of RVing.
There were a few other things that we were able to hold off until we got back to the Valley to take care of. A new printer was needed and a new TV was going to be in the near future. We found great deals on a couple of early "Black Friday" sales and we will be setting all this up in the next few days.
By the way.....when did Black Friday sales start in week two of November? I haven't finished my Halloween candy corn yet! It is bad enough that Christmas decorations have been in the stores since the first of the Novenber. It is nice to get Christmas shopping done early but c'mon!! If I hear any Christmas music before Thanksgiving someone is going to get hurt!!!!
On the other hand the weather here has been feeling a bit like Christmas. Overnight lows near freezing and daytime highs not getting out of the 50 degree range make me wonder how far south do Snowbirds and Winter Texans need to go for some warm weather.
I think all this early Christmas hype is pissing off Lady Karma and she has enlisted Mother Natures help in making us suffer for it! Remember people Halloween is in October and Thanksgiving is in November and Christmas is in December! Life goes by fast enough. Why are we trying to rush through it like shit through a goose. When did we stop taking the time to smell the roses?
Well I am going to sign off and hurry up and do NOTHING today but reflect on how good life is here in our home in Pharr because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
In the past two weeks Mary has touched base with her local doctors to get them up to speed from the last six months in California. I on the other hand will not see a doctor until agony sets in or Mary is tired of my complaining. Some prescriptions have been refilled and our health is on track so we can get on with enjoying life.
The RV had a water issue on our way down to south Texas. Somewhere along the way we got the on board fresh water supply contaminated. It wasn't a serious or unhealthy situation but it did need to be taken care of. Several days of sanitizing the fresh water tank and water lines plus replacing all the filters solved all the issues. This is just part of RVing.
There were a few other things that we were able to hold off until we got back to the Valley to take care of. A new printer was needed and a new TV was going to be in the near future. We found great deals on a couple of early "Black Friday" sales and we will be setting all this up in the next few days.
By the way.....when did Black Friday sales start in week two of November? I haven't finished my Halloween candy corn yet! It is bad enough that Christmas decorations have been in the stores since the first of the Novenber. It is nice to get Christmas shopping done early but c'mon!! If I hear any Christmas music before Thanksgiving someone is going to get hurt!!!!
On the other hand the weather here has been feeling a bit like Christmas. Overnight lows near freezing and daytime highs not getting out of the 50 degree range make me wonder how far south do Snowbirds and Winter Texans need to go for some warm weather.
I think all this early Christmas hype is pissing off Lady Karma and she has enlisted Mother Natures help in making us suffer for it! Remember people Halloween is in October and Thanksgiving is in November and Christmas is in December! Life goes by fast enough. Why are we trying to rush through it like shit through a goose. When did we stop taking the time to smell the roses?
Well I am going to sign off and hurry up and do NOTHING today but reflect on how good life is here in our home in Pharr because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Sunday, November 3, 2019
'19/#35 Home Is Where We Park It
Our sign off on the blog is "home is where we park it" but now it is really home for the next 5-6 months. This is our third year here in Pharr Texas so it does feel like home. So much so that as we got closer and closer Mary was getting excited and repeating "we're almost home". Yes we know the area and the stores and the restaurants and the roads and the "short cuts"but it is more than that. We have become part of this community of Winter Texans with many becoming close friends. It does feel like home.
The trip down from California was a lot of fun with a couple of dropped jellos just to keep us on our toes. We saw some amazing things, met some awesome people, and were able to touch base with some great friends. All in all a successful journey but we are now in sit-still mode for the season. We have started our winter jobs and are getting to see all the friendly faces we have missed and were missed by since last winter. We are home.
The park we are in has done some upgrades on the property and in the personnel. Everything is looking great and welcoming to all the returning Winter Texans. It promises to be another wonderful season. We did lose some of our older long time residents and they will be missed. The stories of them will live on as long as our memories hold up. But life goes on and the activities that set this park apart from others is starting to get back into full swing. We are looking forward to getting back into our favorite activities and definitely trying some new ones.
Well I will sign off from our home in Pharr Texas because ....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
The trip down from California was a lot of fun with a couple of dropped jellos just to keep us on our toes. We saw some amazing things, met some awesome people, and were able to touch base with some great friends. All in all a successful journey but we are now in sit-still mode for the season. We have started our winter jobs and are getting to see all the friendly faces we have missed and were missed by since last winter. We are home.
The park we are in has done some upgrades on the property and in the personnel. Everything is looking great and welcoming to all the returning Winter Texans. It promises to be another wonderful season. We did lose some of our older long time residents and they will be missed. The stories of them will live on as long as our memories hold up. But life goes on and the activities that set this park apart from others is starting to get back into full swing. We are looking forward to getting back into our favorite activities and definitely trying some new ones.
Well I will sign off from our home in Pharr Texas because ....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, October 26, 2019
'19/#34 Friends Near And Far (Very Far!)
Yee Haw! We are finally in Texas. That usually means two more overnight stays before we are in the Rio Grande Valley but not this time. We will be staying in north Texas for a couple of days to see some friends that we think the world of and can't pass this close without stopping.
Of course we had to make some new friends before we left New Mexico so we drove up to Roswell and the UFO museum. The 1947 UFO sighting near Roswell may be one of the most famous in history based on the number of people who agreed on what they saw. The military's "cover up" only made it more of a story and the locals have done their part to keep it alive. The story, not the aliens. That is the military's job in the grand scheme of the cover up. LOL! We are not necessarily believers but there is always the possibility. Besides we have to do some of the corny tourist things. That is all part of the fun.
We will overnight near Ozona and head east to see our friends tomorrow. For now it is time to relax in our home just off I-10 because ......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Of course we had to make some new friends before we left New Mexico so we drove up to Roswell and the UFO museum. The 1947 UFO sighting near Roswell may be one of the most famous in history based on the number of people who agreed on what they saw. The military's "cover up" only made it more of a story and the locals have done their part to keep it alive. The story, not the aliens. That is the military's job in the grand scheme of the cover up. LOL! We are not necessarily believers but there is always the possibility. Besides we have to do some of the corny tourist things. That is all part of the fun.
![]() |
Picked up a hitchhiker from Roswell! |
We will overnight near Ozona and head east to see our friends tomorrow. For now it is time to relax in our home just off I-10 because ......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Friday, October 25, 2019
'19/#33 This Is Why We Head South
I am writing this with the furnace on and sitting in front of our electric fireplace. The high temperature yesterday and forecast for today will not get out of the 50 degree range. With overnight lows in the low 30's with feels like temperatures in the mid 20's South Texas beckons us with warmer temps and open arms. The winds here in New Mexico have also been strong enough to rock the trailer and loud enough to wake us up during the night!
That being said, we did have a good day in Carlsbad Caverns. People say once you have seen a cavern you have seen them all. To a point that is true but each cavern has it's own uniqueness. Yes they all have stalagmites, stalactites, soda straws, drapes, and all the other formations created by water and time but they are all with their own personality. Some are distinguished by their size or their length or the colors in the formations or just a unique formation of the calcified minerals that did not form the same as any other cavern. We have been to Mammoth Cave, Luray Cavern, Howe's Cavern, Wind Cave, Florida Caverns, and now Carlsbad Caverns and each was an experience to remember.
Mammoth's overall size is mind boggling, Luray's singing stalacpipe organ, and the boat ride on the underground river in Howe's Cavern are some of the things that distinguish these from any other cavern. If you have ever been impressed by a cavern tour do not bypass any others just because someone said "Oh it's just another cave". The size of Carlsbad's Great Room is staggering and the history of how it formed from an inland sea is well worth the trip. It is definitely not just another cave.
We were going to do the White Sands National Monument but the cold and wind and road closures due to missile testing at the nearby missile range will have us put it on the agenda at a later date. For now we are staying warm and planning the rest of our trip south. We will stop in and see some friends in north Texas for a few days before our last stretch into south Texas and our winter home.
For now I am staying warm in our home in Carlsbad New Mexico because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
That being said, we did have a good day in Carlsbad Caverns. People say once you have seen a cavern you have seen them all. To a point that is true but each cavern has it's own uniqueness. Yes they all have stalagmites, stalactites, soda straws, drapes, and all the other formations created by water and time but they are all with their own personality. Some are distinguished by their size or their length or the colors in the formations or just a unique formation of the calcified minerals that did not form the same as any other cavern. We have been to Mammoth Cave, Luray Cavern, Howe's Cavern, Wind Cave, Florida Caverns, and now Carlsbad Caverns and each was an experience to remember.
Mammoth's overall size is mind boggling, Luray's singing stalacpipe organ, and the boat ride on the underground river in Howe's Cavern are some of the things that distinguish these from any other cavern. If you have ever been impressed by a cavern tour do not bypass any others just because someone said "Oh it's just another cave". The size of Carlsbad's Great Room is staggering and the history of how it formed from an inland sea is well worth the trip. It is definitely not just another cave.
We were going to do the White Sands National Monument but the cold and wind and road closures due to missile testing at the nearby missile range will have us put it on the agenda at a later date. For now we are staying warm and planning the rest of our trip south. We will stop in and see some friends in north Texas for a few days before our last stretch into south Texas and our winter home.
For now I am staying warm in our home in Carlsbad New Mexico because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
'19/#32 Rest And Reflection
We are now in New Mexico and will sit still for a few days. There will be tourist things we want to do and a little relaxation from he days of driving. Some people don't understand that driving an RV is not the same as driving a car. It is much more fatiguing both physically and mentally. That is why we limit our selves to 300 to 400 miles a day and try to keep it all during daylight hours.
We are one week out of Petaluma and the trip has been eventful, both good and bad. We are closer to our winter home in Texas, we did have a lot of fun in Las Vegas, and we again get to enjoy and marvel at the great expanse of the countryside that can't be seen from an airplane. On the other hand we did have a blowout on the trailer in Barstow, truck problems coming into Las Vegas, and another tire needed replacing outside of Aburqurque. Problems that happen on the road and that we are prepared to deal with. Also we don't let these problems ruin what has been a fantastic journey. I have said it before and I will say it again that RVing is not for everyone.
Breakfast is ready and we will do some sight seeing and some grocery shopping. Our meals that we prepared in advance are gone as well as the leftovers from our dining out. I will blog again from our home in New Mexico because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
We are one week out of Petaluma and the trip has been eventful, both good and bad. We are closer to our winter home in Texas, we did have a lot of fun in Las Vegas, and we again get to enjoy and marvel at the great expanse of the countryside that can't be seen from an airplane. On the other hand we did have a blowout on the trailer in Barstow, truck problems coming into Las Vegas, and another tire needed replacing outside of Aburqurque. Problems that happen on the road and that we are prepared to deal with. Also we don't let these problems ruin what has been a fantastic journey. I have said it before and I will say it again that RVing is not for everyone.
Breakfast is ready and we will do some sight seeing and some grocery shopping. Our meals that we prepared in advance are gone as well as the leftovers from our dining out. I will blog again from our home in New Mexico because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Monday, October 21, 2019
'19/#31 Leaving Las Vegas
Well we are on the road again, our stay in Las Vegas is over. We had a great time but feel that we are done with "Sin City". It just doesn't do it for us anymore. We had a fantastic RV park to stay at and got to do the things we wanted to do. Also found a great Ford dealer that was able to get us back on the road in record time.
Mary wanted to fly over Freemont Street on a zip line and had a blast doing that. Not my thing so I took pictures as I could. There is more on Mary's FB page. Took a trip out to Hoover Dam and saw the new O'Callaghan-Tillman bridge. It was quite impressive to see after watching it's construction on line.
We also went to the Neon Museum and Brilliant Light show. It was cool to see all the old signs from the hey days of Vegas come to life. Rather that restore them they showed them in their current condition and brought them to life with laser lights and music. The boneyard was another collection of more of the old signs saved from the scrap heap in their current condition. Having seen so many of these landmarks in movies and on TV now past their prime does make you think about the evolution of Las Vegas.
On a side note, we did go into the casino at Sam's Town and signed up for their players card. I am not a gambler at all. I just don't get it. Anyway I got $5 of free money to entice me to join the "fun". Mary steered me over to the penny slots, sat me down, and told me to have some fun. The card went in and I started pressing buttons not knowing what the hell I was doing. At some point the machine started going wonky on it's own and playing game after game after game. Apparently I had won some free plays and the machine took care of everything. All the noise and lights and me sitting there like an idiot while Mary is going "isn't this fun?" eventually won me $50 dollars. Not fun! Profitable? Yes. But not fun. That's fifteen minutes of my life I will never get back but at least it bought us dinner.
Well we are on the road from our home in Las Vegas because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Mary wanted to fly over Freemont Street on a zip line and had a blast doing that. Not my thing so I took pictures as I could. There is more on Mary's FB page. Took a trip out to Hoover Dam and saw the new O'Callaghan-Tillman bridge. It was quite impressive to see after watching it's construction on line.
We also went to the Neon Museum and Brilliant Light show. It was cool to see all the old signs from the hey days of Vegas come to life. Rather that restore them they showed them in their current condition and brought them to life with laser lights and music. The boneyard was another collection of more of the old signs saved from the scrap heap in their current condition. Having seen so many of these landmarks in movies and on TV now past their prime does make you think about the evolution of Las Vegas.
On a side note, we did go into the casino at Sam's Town and signed up for their players card. I am not a gambler at all. I just don't get it. Anyway I got $5 of free money to entice me to join the "fun". Mary steered me over to the penny slots, sat me down, and told me to have some fun. The card went in and I started pressing buttons not knowing what the hell I was doing. At some point the machine started going wonky on it's own and playing game after game after game. Apparently I had won some free plays and the machine took care of everything. All the noise and lights and me sitting there like an idiot while Mary is going "isn't this fun?" eventually won me $50 dollars. Not fun! Profitable? Yes. But not fun. That's fifteen minutes of my life I will never get back but at least it bought us dinner.
Well we are on the road from our home in Las Vegas because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Thursday, October 17, 2019
'19/#30 The Jello Has Shaken
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Just a picture of our rig somwhere in our travels. |
We left Petaluma early Tuesday morning with plans to stop in Bakersfield. That would be about the 300 miles we usually do in one day. Because we got such a good head start and we made good time the decision was made to motor on through to Las Vegas. That would put us a day ahead of our schedule and give us a little more breathing room on our journey to south Texas. Enter the shaken jello.
As we approached Barstow CA the tire monitor went crazy and a trailer tire blew. We safely got to the side of the road, change the tire, and were back on the road in 25 minutes. A personal best for us on a tire change. Does NASCAR need another pit crew? In Barstow we got a new tire and set out for Las Vegas only losing an hour and a half. Still making good time.
A ways down the road we heard something that sounded like a tire blow out but the tire monitor and our mirrors show no tire problems. Opting to play it safe we pulled over to see what made the noise. Tires good, trailer fine, truck had nothing in the grill or underneath so we decided to keep on going. Started off fine but started to lose power. Mary called a Ford dealer in Las Vegas who could see us the next morning so we chose to limp on in to Vegas. The truck had other ideas.
Power was dropping rapidly and there were hills ahead of us. The jello is now on the wall. It was time to call road service. A trooper showed up and stayed with his lights on until the tow truck showed. Another two hours and we were on our way to "Sin City" on the hook of a tow truck. We got to our RV park destination at 11:30 pm instead of the 7pm we had hoped. Considering the jello in the fan day we had not too bad. We were still a day ahead of schedule.
There was some good news. The problem with the truck was minor and will be good to go at minimal cost. And it will all be done in the time frame that we had set aside for our stay in Las Vegas. Still on schedule and time to make a new batch of jello.
That is enough for now. I will sign off from our home in Las Vegas because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Monday, October 14, 2019
'19/#29 Going Out With A Bang, Oh And A Woosh!
No more count down clock. It has reached zero and we are getting ready to roll. After our last day of work we had a fun day planned in San Francisco. This is something we have been looking forward to since June and one of the reasons we stayed until now. This is Fleet Week in San Francisco and we had the opportunity to watch the Navy's Blue Angels perform over San Francisco Bay from out on the water! I saw them a million years ago over Jones Beach in NY and saw the Air force Thunderbirds at MacDill AFB. It never gets old!
Mary took a lot more pictures than I did because I just wanted to enjoy the show. Also the pictures don't do the experience justice. It is the sights and sounds and speed of the amazing choreography in the sky that has to be seen in person to be appreciated. If you ever have the chance DON'T miss it. Our boat was one of hundreds on the water watching and enjoying the beautiful weather. It did get a bit chilly out on the water but other than that it was a perfect day anchored off Alcatraz Island with San Francisco's skyline as the backdrop for the most awesome show in the sky.
Today we have to work around the trailer. Laundry needs to be done, holding tanks need to be emptied, and everything that we have out to make our trailer a home must be stowed and secured for travel. Tomorrow is "D" day and the "D" stands for driving. We hope to be on the road early in the morning so we can get past San Francisco before rush hour traffic gets started.
Well I have to go fold some laundry so this will be my last good bye from our home here in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Mary took a lot more pictures than I did because I just wanted to enjoy the show. Also the pictures don't do the experience justice. It is the sights and sounds and speed of the amazing choreography in the sky that has to be seen in person to be appreciated. If you ever have the chance DON'T miss it. Our boat was one of hundreds on the water watching and enjoying the beautiful weather. It did get a bit chilly out on the water but other than that it was a perfect day anchored off Alcatraz Island with San Francisco's skyline as the backdrop for the most awesome show in the sky.
Today we have to work around the trailer. Laundry needs to be done, holding tanks need to be emptied, and everything that we have out to make our trailer a home must be stowed and secured for travel. Tomorrow is "D" day and the "D" stands for driving. We hope to be on the road early in the morning so we can get past San Francisco before rush hour traffic gets started.
Well I have to go fold some laundry so this will be my last good bye from our home here in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
'19/#28 Another Thing To Leave Behind
We are into our last week here in Petaluma California and if you have been following us you know we are excited about leaving. There are number of reasons that I have mentioned in the past and I am sure Mary has posted a few of her own on Facebook. Well let me add a couple more.
Petaluma, even with it's proximity to San Francisco, is an agricultural community. Yes it has it's Hippie roots that extended from San Fran in the '70s but it is in the middle of farm country. Being in Sonoma County there are hundreds of vineyards. Sonoma is even a bit snobby about their cousin vineyards in neighboring Napa County. Of course they think their wine is better. They think everything they have, do, and think is better. What they don't tell you is how many cattle farms are in the area and the smell that comes with them. Depending on the wind it could be barely noticeable or it can be unbearable. Either way it is a constant and the smell has permeated everything we own. When we get to Texas we will have to fumigate the trailer and everything in it!
On top of the bovine aroma we are living in a campground. What do we have in campgrounds? Campfires of course. But these people don't just burn "fire wood", they burn everything. Treated wood, undetermined types of wood, trash, plastic, rubber and who knows what else. Eyes may water and breathing could be unpleasant but if I survive the noxious clouds I am pretty sure I will leave California with cancer or some other lung disease. California's strict pollution controls are a joke. They are created because if the irresponsible residents of the state. Yes we do get a lot of visitors from other states but it is worse now that most of the guests here are locals.
Well it is time for me to go to work. Maybe a gas mask should be part of the uniform? I will say goodbye (cough,cough) for now from our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Petaluma, even with it's proximity to San Francisco, is an agricultural community. Yes it has it's Hippie roots that extended from San Fran in the '70s but it is in the middle of farm country. Being in Sonoma County there are hundreds of vineyards. Sonoma is even a bit snobby about their cousin vineyards in neighboring Napa County. Of course they think their wine is better. They think everything they have, do, and think is better. What they don't tell you is how many cattle farms are in the area and the smell that comes with them. Depending on the wind it could be barely noticeable or it can be unbearable. Either way it is a constant and the smell has permeated everything we own. When we get to Texas we will have to fumigate the trailer and everything in it!
On top of the bovine aroma we are living in a campground. What do we have in campgrounds? Campfires of course. But these people don't just burn "fire wood", they burn everything. Treated wood, undetermined types of wood, trash, plastic, rubber and who knows what else. Eyes may water and breathing could be unpleasant but if I survive the noxious clouds I am pretty sure I will leave California with cancer or some other lung disease. California's strict pollution controls are a joke. They are created because if the irresponsible residents of the state. Yes we do get a lot of visitors from other states but it is worse now that most of the guests here are locals.
Well it is time for me to go to work. Maybe a gas mask should be part of the uniform? I will say goodbye (cough,cough) for now from our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, September 28, 2019
'19/#27 It's Why We Have Wheels
This is going to be a short blog but I just had to put it out there. It's no secret that we are ready to leave California especially if you read the last blog. Well I have another reason for leaving. The weather here has gone crazy! They say it never rains in California and the rain we got this summer can be measured with a napkin so that is true. But the temperatures are going nuts. Two days ago the temperature was over 100 degrees here and last night it dropped down to 39 degrees. With earth quakes, land slides, extreme temperatures, and the crazy people California is a geological, meteorological, and sociological apocalypse waiting to happen.
As far as our jobs go... well lets say that has been insane too. With the short staffing and the entitled locals combined with over 150 check-ins, Friday night was insane. With no management on property that left Mary in charge at the front desk and me out in the field. Everything that could go wrong seemed to do just that. And who is in charge? The two workcampers, the temps, who are gone in fourteen days!
We will stick it out because we don't want to mess up our plans for the weeks between Petaluma and south Texas but if push comes to shove...once again our plans are written in jello. Fridays are always super busy and we only have two more to go so it shouldn't be too bad. All I can say is "c'mon October 13th!".
Taking a deep breath as short timers here in our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
As far as our jobs go... well lets say that has been insane too. With the short staffing and the entitled locals combined with over 150 check-ins, Friday night was insane. With no management on property that left Mary in charge at the front desk and me out in the field. Everything that could go wrong seemed to do just that. And who is in charge? The two workcampers, the temps, who are gone in fourteen days!
We will stick it out because we don't want to mess up our plans for the weeks between Petaluma and south Texas but if push comes to shove...once again our plans are written in jello. Fridays are always super busy and we only have two more to go so it shouldn't be too bad. All I can say is "c'mon October 13th!".
Taking a deep breath as short timers here in our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
'19/#26 And The Clock Keeps On Ticking
Well it is less than three weeks before we leave California and the time can't go too quickly. It's not just because we have seen what we wanted or are not overly impressed by the state of California, (though that does have some thing to do with it) but we are just ready to move on. I have talked before about "Hitch-Itch", that wanderlust urge RVers get after staying in one place for a long period of time, and that is the main reason we are ready to hit the road. After all our house is on wheels and wheels are made to roll.
Things need to be prepped for our travels. Staying in one place we have a tendency to gather things and keep some of our stuff in places that are not conducive to travel. The garage area is the primary area of concern. Anyone who has a garage knows that if a vehicle is not in there on a regular basis then it turns into a catch-all and fills up. We all know that nature abhors a vacuum and the garage in a toy hauler is no different.
We have few more things planned in and around San Francisco and have couple of places we would like to see again before we leave. We have said our goodbyes to most of the exchange students and they are mostly gone. The locals that have become friends with will fill our days before we leave and farewells will be exchanged later.
For now we are working and getting things ready. Reservations are being made and plans during our travel are eagerly anticipated. Before long we will be in our new home in south Texas where we will stay for the winter. It will be our winter home for a third season and after that....well who knows? After all our house is on wheels and our plans are written in jello.
I must get read for work soon because there is still time on the clock here in our home in Petaluma because .....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Things need to be prepped for our travels. Staying in one place we have a tendency to gather things and keep some of our stuff in places that are not conducive to travel. The garage area is the primary area of concern. Anyone who has a garage knows that if a vehicle is not in there on a regular basis then it turns into a catch-all and fills up. We all know that nature abhors a vacuum and the garage in a toy hauler is no different.
We have few more things planned in and around San Francisco and have couple of places we would like to see again before we leave. We have said our goodbyes to most of the exchange students and they are mostly gone. The locals that have become friends with will fill our days before we leave and farewells will be exchanged later.
For now we are working and getting things ready. Reservations are being made and plans during our travel are eagerly anticipated. Before long we will be in our new home in south Texas where we will stay for the winter. It will be our winter home for a third season and after that....well who knows? After all our house is on wheels and our plans are written in jello.
I must get read for work soon because there is still time on the clock here in our home in Petaluma because .....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, September 7, 2019
19/#26 High Prices in The Land of Enttlement
We have been in California for a full four months now and have made a few observations. Don't misunderstand what I am saying. We have had a good time and don't regret the time we have spent here but some things just rubbed us the wrong way.
Over the years we have always heard about how much food stuffs comes from California. There is talk about abundant produce and Pacific Ocean seafood. I once heard that California produces most of the almonds sold in the U.S. We have even heard California called "America's breadbasket". Well I have to say rubbish! The produce available here is far from top quality and the prices are ridiculous! If you want to see top notch produce at ridiculously LOW prices go to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. I know a lot of it comes from Mexico but at least it is there, edible, and affordable.
Seafood is nonexistent in this part of California. It is sad when the best seafood restaurant in the area is Red Lobster. Shrimp that we buy in the store is mostly of the Gulf Coast variety which can be bought in Florida or Texas for half the price when it is on sale. Not to mention there are plenty of good seafood restaurants in Texas and you can't swing a "dead cat" without hitting one in Florida.
In my quest to eat a little healthier I have for a number of years always kept almonds handy as a healthy snack to keep me from eating too much junk. Yes we shop the sales which pop up on a regular basis when we are in either Florida or Texas. No such sale has even shown up as a blip on our sale shopping radar since we have been in Petaluma. Trust me we have been looking and it just hasn't happened. I guess not all the nuts are living here in California. The almonds seem to have gotten out.
Speaking of "nuts", the people here may have the highest concentration of entitled mind set as we have ever seen. Old, young, kids...it doesn't matter. Economic status has no bearing on it either. RVers in $500,000 motor homes or people sleeping in the back of their car all come in expecting an ass-kissing from everyone who works in the park. Since this is a service oriented business the customer is always right. The catering to, the verbal abuse, and the ridiculous expectations are like none we have experienced before.
Let me close by saying that our stay here in California has been interesting, we have made friends, and we have had fun but I will say that we have seen enough and probably will not return. We would most definitely not choose this as a place to settle down and stay. We have about a month left here and will be making the most of our time before we hit the road. So I will sign of now from our home here in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Over the years we have always heard about how much food stuffs comes from California. There is talk about abundant produce and Pacific Ocean seafood. I once heard that California produces most of the almonds sold in the U.S. We have even heard California called "America's breadbasket". Well I have to say rubbish! The produce available here is far from top quality and the prices are ridiculous! If you want to see top notch produce at ridiculously LOW prices go to the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. I know a lot of it comes from Mexico but at least it is there, edible, and affordable.
Seafood is nonexistent in this part of California. It is sad when the best seafood restaurant in the area is Red Lobster. Shrimp that we buy in the store is mostly of the Gulf Coast variety which can be bought in Florida or Texas for half the price when it is on sale. Not to mention there are plenty of good seafood restaurants in Texas and you can't swing a "dead cat" without hitting one in Florida.
In my quest to eat a little healthier I have for a number of years always kept almonds handy as a healthy snack to keep me from eating too much junk. Yes we shop the sales which pop up on a regular basis when we are in either Florida or Texas. No such sale has even shown up as a blip on our sale shopping radar since we have been in Petaluma. Trust me we have been looking and it just hasn't happened. I guess not all the nuts are living here in California. The almonds seem to have gotten out.
Speaking of "nuts", the people here may have the highest concentration of entitled mind set as we have ever seen. Old, young, kids...it doesn't matter. Economic status has no bearing on it either. RVers in $500,000 motor homes or people sleeping in the back of their car all come in expecting an ass-kissing from everyone who works in the park. Since this is a service oriented business the customer is always right. The catering to, the verbal abuse, and the ridiculous expectations are like none we have experienced before.
Let me close by saying that our stay here in California has been interesting, we have made friends, and we have had fun but I will say that we have seen enough and probably will not return. We would most definitely not choose this as a place to settle down and stay. We have about a month left here and will be making the most of our time before we hit the road. So I will sign of now from our home here in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
19/#25 Getting Down To The Last Qaurter
We have workcamped for a long time now and have made a number of observations. First is that workcamping is not always easy and is not for everyone. Second is that the compensation for the time and effort put into the jobs is relative to what is desired and/or expected. Third is the job itself is not always what is initially promised. These are all based on indivdual expectations.
The fourth and last thing seems to be universal to all the workcampers we have known. Every workcamping job time frame can be broken down into four segments. As seasonal workers we are automatically "short-timers". We know when we start exactly when our time on the job will end. That being said the season, whether it be 4 or 5 or 6 months can be defined by the same attitudes that you will find in every career.
The first quarter is when you start a new adventure, the new job. There is excitement and enthusiasm. New people to meet, new skills to learn, and finding your place in a new work environment. Everyone is happy and enjoying the "new car smell" of a new job. After all new is good,right?
Somewhere around the beginning of the second quarter of your commitment you are getting comfortable. You are getting good at the new job and your skills now allow you to do the job effortlessly and you can enjoy the camaraderie of the new people you call your coworkers. You may even start to socialize with some of them whether they are fellow workcampers or seasonal locals or even year round employees. It all sounds great, doesn't it? But you are only half way through the workcamper experience.
In the second half the job starts to get routine. It feels like you are in a rut doing the same thing over and over again. I mean the job isn't that difficult. They hire people every year to do this and train new people each and every season so how hard could it be. Workcampers after all are just temps, people hired to do a job for a specific period of time and then they are done. You also have gotten to know your coworkers better. That can be a good thing, but who likes everybody? There will be that person who gets on your nerves for whatever reason and makes you wish you could work with someone else. Sometimes that can happen and sometimes it can't. But you made a commitment and a commitment is a commitment so just suck it up!
The last quarter is the toughest. This is the end of your time, some might call it their sentence depending on the job and everything that makes up the work place environment. This why many employers give a completion bonus. If you stay until the end of your commitment you may get extra money for each hour worked or part of your living expense may be reimbursed. I'm not talking about employers who hold back money just to give it to you later, I am talking about a real incentive to stay!
There is the knowing that at the end of your commitment you will once again be back out on the road looking for the next adventure. A new season, new people, even a new workcamping job. This is why we do what we do, for the adventure. Some of our friends don't understand why we do this but as I said before it is not for everyone. Needless to say it is the way we live our lives and we are happy doing it like this. If the job is good or bad or just down right intolerable we have ways of dealing with it. I look at some of the jobs I had before I retired and think "if I can do that for"X" number of years I can do anything for a few months", and if it is really that bad remember our house is on wheels and our plans are written in jello. We can leave at any time and seek out a new adventure.
Well I have to get ready for work. The season is coming to an end and things are slowing down. It is getting a little boring but after the hectic summer at KOA a little boredom is welcome. Our last quarter will go by and we will be out on the road looking for our next adventure. The game clock is ticking and counting down here in our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Frank and Mary
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
'19/#24 San Fran With Our New Little Buddies
I don't know why but we always seem to get more involved with the young people at our work camping jobs than we do with other work campers or the other workers of or nearing the age of retirement. I'm not complaining because we have so much fun and these young people inexplicably seem to like having us around. This past weekend we went into San Francisco with two of the J-1 students from Jamaica. J-1s are here to work and experience the culture of the U.S. just like we travel to experience different areas of our home country.
Shawn and Alex had almost as much fun as we did. We started with a Tuk Tuk Tour of SanFrancisco. A Tuk Tuk is a motorized rickshaw and can get around busy towns much easier than our big pickup truck. Also the driver is much more knowledgeable of the area and the sights to be seen. It was like being on our own private little tour bus of San Francisco. The boys, being from Jamaica, were freezing in the 60 degree weather and the wind in the open air Tuk Tuk. We brought extra jackets and scarves and blankets and .....well you get the picture. In spite of the cold they had a great time.
We had to feed the guys also so we asked where they wanted to eat. Of all places, they wanted McDonald's! Apparently there are no McDonald's in Jamaica and when I looked it up, sure enough the company left the island in 2005. So it was McDonald's for breakfast and lunch. Here in the good ol' USA there are McD's everywhere. Even at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.
After lunch we went on a boat ride around SanFrancisco Bay. The boat took us along the water front, near the sea lions, past Alcatraz, and under the Golden Gate Bridge. Again the boys were freezing and we had to bundle them up on what Mary and I thought was a beautiful afternoon. Again this was something Mary and I wanted to do and were fortunate enough to share it with Shawn and Alex.
Once back on dry land we all had to do some serious tourist shopping. Walking around the shops on the water front everyone found something to keep as a memento or send home to family and friends. Then it was back to Petaluma and the KOA. Dinner was NOT McDonald's. We decided to find a Chinese restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful meal. I would be remiss if I didn't thank our bosses from KOA for helping us out with funds to make the day special.
Well it is time to get ready for work so I will say goodbye from our home in Petaluma California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Shawn and Alex had almost as much fun as we did. We started with a Tuk Tuk Tour of SanFrancisco. A Tuk Tuk is a motorized rickshaw and can get around busy towns much easier than our big pickup truck. Also the driver is much more knowledgeable of the area and the sights to be seen. It was like being on our own private little tour bus of San Francisco. The boys, being from Jamaica, were freezing in the 60 degree weather and the wind in the open air Tuk Tuk. We brought extra jackets and scarves and blankets and .....well you get the picture. In spite of the cold they had a great time.
We had to feed the guys also so we asked where they wanted to eat. Of all places, they wanted McDonald's! Apparently there are no McDonald's in Jamaica and when I looked it up, sure enough the company left the island in 2005. So it was McDonald's for breakfast and lunch. Here in the good ol' USA there are McD's everywhere. Even at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco.
After lunch we went on a boat ride around SanFrancisco Bay. The boat took us along the water front, near the sea lions, past Alcatraz, and under the Golden Gate Bridge. Again the boys were freezing and we had to bundle them up on what Mary and I thought was a beautiful afternoon. Again this was something Mary and I wanted to do and were fortunate enough to share it with Shawn and Alex.
Once back on dry land we all had to do some serious tourist shopping. Walking around the shops on the water front everyone found something to keep as a memento or send home to family and friends. Then it was back to Petaluma and the KOA. Dinner was NOT McDonald's. We decided to find a Chinese restaurant and enjoyed a wonderful meal. I would be remiss if I didn't thank our bosses from KOA for helping us out with funds to make the day special.
Well it is time to get ready for work so I will say goodbye from our home in Petaluma California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, July 20, 2019
'19/#23 Excitement Roller Coaster
Too much time has passed since my last blog. As usual lots of boring stuff mixed with a touch of excitement, and not always the good kind. Most of you have already heard about Mary's trip to the hospital and that she is OK. Just a perfect storm of self neglect led to her passing out, an ambulance ride, and two days in the hospital. On a side note this can count as my stress test for the year and I passed with flying colors. Let's not do it again!
Once Mary was home and feeling better we decided to take a leisurely trek in search of another lighthouse. This time it was at Bonita Point at the mouth of San Francisco Bay. Located on a now closed army base that was once the home of Nike defence missiles many of the buildings left just shout out military base. Good roads and an easy one mile round trip walk got us out to the lighthouse with views of the Pacific Ocean, the California coastline, and of course San Francisco.
Speaking of San Francisco, this weekend we are heading back into the city with two of the exchange students that work with us. I don't know who is more excited about the trip, Mary or the exchange students. It will be a day of just being tourists and promises to be a lot of fun. Plus we get to help the kids experience their time here in the U.S.
Well I have to get ready for work soon I will say goodbye from our home in Petaluma, California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Once Mary was home and feeling better we decided to take a leisurely trek in search of another lighthouse. This time it was at Bonita Point at the mouth of San Francisco Bay. Located on a now closed army base that was once the home of Nike defence missiles many of the buildings left just shout out military base. Good roads and an easy one mile round trip walk got us out to the lighthouse with views of the Pacific Ocean, the California coastline, and of course San Francisco.
Speaking of San Francisco, this weekend we are heading back into the city with two of the exchange students that work with us. I don't know who is more excited about the trip, Mary or the exchange students. It will be a day of just being tourists and promises to be a lot of fun. Plus we get to help the kids experience their time here in the U.S.
Well I have to get ready for work soon I will say goodbye from our home in Petaluma, California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
'19/#22 Still Here And Looking More Like Summer
In my last blog I commented on how the summer here was looking nor feeling anything like we expected summer to be. Well July is almost here and things are finally changing. Daytime temperatures are regularly in the 70's with occasional 80 degree days. We actually had two, yes TWO, days when the temperature reach 90 degrees! The reaction of the locals had us believing we were on the surface of the sun but I guess that is what it feels like to them. Having dealt with months at a time of high 90's and lows in the 80's in Florida for so many years the heat wave here felt kind of nice to us. To quote Jimmy Buffet, "changes in latitudes....".
KOA has been super busy with school now out in the area. Plenty of locals come here just to get away from the routine at home. There are still a number of contractors for PG&E here and the tourists are filling everything else. In other words we have NO vacancies every weekend. This past weekend NASCAR had their race at Sonoma Raceway also know as Sears Point. The track is only 20 miles from here so we had a lot of racing fans arrive last week and staying into this week. Needless to say, another busy weekend.
On our days off we took a drive out Reyes Point. There is a lighthouse there that Mary would loved to have seen but it is under renovation. The views from the promontory made the trip worth our time. We also saw Drakes Bay where the elephant seals congregate. Earlier in the spring the beach was supposedly covered with the seals but today there were only a couple on the beach and another handful swimming near the shore. It was still cool to see the area and the seals that were there.
As I said it was worth the drive because it took us well over an hour over horrendous roads to get there. We went through a number of small bohemian, artsy-fartsy, everything organic towns and stopped to look and take some pictures. The National Seashore is separated from the mainland by Tomales bay which was created and runs right along the San Andreas fault. We opted not to take any boat rides that day but did take some pictures.
Well it is back to work today so I will sign off now and get ready for another day of work camping here in our home in Petaluma because.......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
KOA has been super busy with school now out in the area. Plenty of locals come here just to get away from the routine at home. There are still a number of contractors for PG&E here and the tourists are filling everything else. In other words we have NO vacancies every weekend. This past weekend NASCAR had their race at Sonoma Raceway also know as Sears Point. The track is only 20 miles from here so we had a lot of racing fans arrive last week and staying into this week. Needless to say, another busy weekend.
On our days off we took a drive out Reyes Point. There is a lighthouse there that Mary would loved to have seen but it is under renovation. The views from the promontory made the trip worth our time. We also saw Drakes Bay where the elephant seals congregate. Earlier in the spring the beach was supposedly covered with the seals but today there were only a couple on the beach and another handful swimming near the shore. It was still cool to see the area and the seals that were there.
As I said it was worth the drive because it took us well over an hour over horrendous roads to get there. We went through a number of small bohemian, artsy-fartsy, everything organic towns and stopped to look and take some pictures. The National Seashore is separated from the mainland by Tomales bay which was created and runs right along the San Andreas fault. We opted not to take any boat rides that day but did take some pictures.
Well it is back to work today so I will sign off now and get ready for another day of work camping here in our home in Petaluma because.......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, June 1, 2019
'19/#21 Seasons Of Wonder or I Wonder What Season?
Well here it is the first of June a maybe summer is coming? The whole month of May the temperatures rarely reach 70 degrees and usually stayed in the upper 50's to mid 60's. Overnight temperatures were always in the 50's and occasionally the upper 40's. That explains the unattributed quote, "the coldest winter I ever saw was a summer in San Francisco". The highs for the next few days looks like it will be right around 70 degrees. The locals are dreading the summer heat when it gets up to 80 degrees! They should spend a summer in Florida,south Texas, or Arizona! Although Texas and Arizona it is only a dry heat. LOL!
On a different subject, our roomie the turkey caught my wrath and a couple of pellets from my BB gun the other morning. He or she seamed to just shrug it off but it hasn't been back since. Maybe it got the message that it is not welcome here. We are still a bit ticked off because now we wake up at 5:45 am anticipating the "gobble" alarm. I hate that @%^%&#%#%;@ turkey!
We are in another weekend at the Petaluma KOA and the crazyness has started. Friday we had 175 camper check ins! Most of them are locals just getting away from the house and the usual weekend chores. Kids are running amok and parents are dealing with the kids with judicious amounts of beer and wine. Not so much to cause trouble but enough for their children to need better supervision. Oh well. It makes the night patrol interesting until about midnight or 1am and then all pretty much quiets down just to start up again on Saturday. This is supposed to be the routine for the rest of the summer.
It is time to start getting ready for work so I will say goodbye for now from our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
On a different subject, our roomie the turkey caught my wrath and a couple of pellets from my BB gun the other morning. He or she seamed to just shrug it off but it hasn't been back since. Maybe it got the message that it is not welcome here. We are still a bit ticked off because now we wake up at 5:45 am anticipating the "gobble" alarm. I hate that @%^%&#%#%;@ turkey!
We are in another weekend at the Petaluma KOA and the crazyness has started. Friday we had 175 camper check ins! Most of them are locals just getting away from the house and the usual weekend chores. Kids are running amok and parents are dealing with the kids with judicious amounts of beer and wine. Not so much to cause trouble but enough for their children to need better supervision. Oh well. It makes the night patrol interesting until about midnight or 1am and then all pretty much quiets down just to start up again on Saturday. This is supposed to be the routine for the rest of the summer.
It is time to start getting ready for work so I will say goodbye for now from our home in Petaluma because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Monday, May 27, 2019
'19/#20 Roomie?
Things are humming along here at the KOA and we are blending in to the operation. Staying close to home with all the insanity that is the Memorial Day weekend. The campground will be full of holiday revelers and all their family, and when I say all their family I mean everyone. In addition to the 6 registered guests they can have a number of visitors for the day. I am guessing that at any given time on Saturday and Sunday there might be 1000 or more people in the park cooking, swimming, riding bikes, playing games, participating in the scheduled events, and drinking. As with any outdoor cooking and dining there will be lots of drinking and all the rowdiness that it comes with. Sounds like fun for me on night patrol!?!? Next week the park will be put back together and readied for the summer season to begin.
On a regular basis the park has a few full time fowl residents. In addition to the regular birds that come and go we also have three peacocks on property. They have been here for a while and don't seem to care about the two legged guests in the park. Recently at least two turkeys have taken up residence at the KOA. No one is sure where they came from but the general opinion is a farm over the next hill. These are not wild turkeys and have no fear of humans. They walk around camp sites and let the kids feed them which in turn ensures that they aren't going away any time soon. Actually they have been popular in the park until...
The other morning at 5:30 am we heard a loud thump on the roof of our RV. Next the unmistakable "gobble, gobble, gobble" of a turkey followed by countless "whap, whap, whaps" across the roof and another series of "gobbles".This went on back and forth across our roof for about 15 to 20 minutes. Remember I am on night patrol here so I got off work at 2am. Finally the flapping of wings, a thump on the ground, and the turkey wanders off on it's merry way. I was able to go back to sleep!
The next morning 5:30 came and went quietly but it only lasted until 5:45 when the thump,gobble, whap, whap whap process started again. This time he (or she) jumped from the roof onto the spring loaded slide toppers over our bed adding a "sproing, sproing" sound to the routine. I went outside with a long stick and chased the sleep thief from the roof and went back to bed. I now have a loaded BB gun handy for the next time we have unexpected....no unwanted guests at that ridiculous hour!
Well I will sign off for now from our home in Petaluma (unless the turkey runs us off) because.....
Home is where the turkey lets us park it,
Frank and Mary
On a regular basis the park has a few full time fowl residents. In addition to the regular birds that come and go we also have three peacocks on property. They have been here for a while and don't seem to care about the two legged guests in the park. Recently at least two turkeys have taken up residence at the KOA. No one is sure where they came from but the general opinion is a farm over the next hill. These are not wild turkeys and have no fear of humans. They walk around camp sites and let the kids feed them which in turn ensures that they aren't going away any time soon. Actually they have been popular in the park until...
The other morning at 5:30 am we heard a loud thump on the roof of our RV. Next the unmistakable "gobble, gobble, gobble" of a turkey followed by countless "whap, whap, whaps" across the roof and another series of "gobbles".This went on back and forth across our roof for about 15 to 20 minutes. Remember I am on night patrol here so I got off work at 2am. Finally the flapping of wings, a thump on the ground, and the turkey wanders off on it's merry way. I was able to go back to sleep!
The next morning 5:30 came and went quietly but it only lasted until 5:45 when the thump,gobble, whap, whap whap process started again. This time he (or she) jumped from the roof onto the spring loaded slide toppers over our bed adding a "sproing, sproing" sound to the routine. I went outside with a long stick and chased the sleep thief from the roof and went back to bed. I now have a loaded BB gun handy for the next time we have unexpected....no unwanted guests at that ridiculous hour!
Well I will sign off for now from our home in Petaluma (unless the turkey runs us off) because.....
Home is where the turkey lets us park it,
Frank and Mary
Sunday, May 12, 2019
'19/#19 Just Another New Job
After 30 plus years at the same job I find it odd getting used to the idea of being the new guy. There are no problems, but having been the "guy" people went to with questions on the job I am now the one with the questions. I was used to knowing what my job was, what I needed to do, and have the ability and knowledge to deal with those things that always seem to pop up when it is most inopportune. Mary goes through the same thing. We have the skills to do the job, but every place has their own way of doing things. By the time we finish our commitment at any of our workcamping gigs we are almost always very proficient at the job and comfortable with the company's way of operating. The next season we start all over again. It is just something we have to deal with.
That said, the park we are at is very busy. Weekends have as many as 200 guest checking in each day! There are a number of other seasonal workers here and it is taking time to get everyone trained and schedules worked out. We have a lot of kids, and I mean teens and twenty-somethings, still in school and with family obligations, just to make it more interesting. Also the winter weather was excessively wet and put a number of projects behind going into the vacation season. That means that everybody has a list as long as their arm of things to do. Fortunately most of that is maintenance and has little to do with us. Mary works at the front desk and reservations and I am primarily night patrol (they don't like the word security). I'm not trying to blow our own horn but, we do occasionally help out in other areas when we can. That is a bonus you get when you hire Mary and Frank, or so we've been told.
Our days off are coming up and we have a few chores to do and will try to squeeze in some sightseeing. With schedule still in flux it is taking some time to get into a routine that will give us the best use of our time, but that will come soon. so I will sign off now from our home in California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
That said, the park we are at is very busy. Weekends have as many as 200 guest checking in each day! There are a number of other seasonal workers here and it is taking time to get everyone trained and schedules worked out. We have a lot of kids, and I mean teens and twenty-somethings, still in school and with family obligations, just to make it more interesting. Also the winter weather was excessively wet and put a number of projects behind going into the vacation season. That means that everybody has a list as long as their arm of things to do. Fortunately most of that is maintenance and has little to do with us. Mary works at the front desk and reservations and I am primarily night patrol (they don't like the word security). I'm not trying to blow our own horn but, we do occasionally help out in other areas when we can. That is a bonus you get when you hire Mary and Frank, or so we've been told.
Our days off are coming up and we have a few chores to do and will try to squeeze in some sightseeing. With schedule still in flux it is taking some time to get into a routine that will give us the best use of our time, but that will come soon. so I will sign off now from our home in California because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
'19/#18 It's A Different World
Our work camping has started here in Petaluma and it is a new experience. With almost 300 sites and within a short drive to San Francisco it is a very busy campground. Also because of the demand it is also a little pricier than places we usually stay. There are RV sites, tent sites, KOA cabins, lodges, and group camping areas and it is full every weekend. During the week it is well occupied but with a different clientele. The weekends are families and groups and it is a bit noisier. It is a fun noisy but there is still quiet time after 10pm and that is somethng that will be my responsibility as night patrol. For now I am working on some special projects until the season officially starts on Memorial Day weekend.
Mary is in the front office and getting training on the KOA software and the workings of the camp store. The training is going slowly because we have been pretty busy but I am sure she will get up to speed soon. After all she is a lot smarter than I am and takes to front office work like a duck to water.
We have found most of the stores we need in the area and are settling in. Shopping in California is a little different than elsewhere. Most places ask "paper or plastic?" but here they ask "bag?" and then charge you for each bag you need. It is all about recycling and saving the environment here and I guess that is a good thing. We have a number of reusable and insulated bags so the only problem is remembering to bring them in to the store when we shop.
We have eaten out at a few restaurants and have really enjoyed them. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a carboholic. Pasta, rice, and bread.....especially bread if it is fresh or home made. The San Francisco area is known for their sourdough bread and it lives up to all the claims. Even Mary has decided that sourdough bread is the bomb. There will be NO keto dieting in the bay area! In less than two weeks we are already on our third loaf and I don't plan on stopping. Maybe slowing down a little, but bring on the sourdough.
Well I have to get ready for work soon so I will have a slice or two of that heavenly bread with my coffee before I head out from our home in California because......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Mary is in the front office and getting training on the KOA software and the workings of the camp store. The training is going slowly because we have been pretty busy but I am sure she will get up to speed soon. After all she is a lot smarter than I am and takes to front office work like a duck to water.
We have found most of the stores we need in the area and are settling in. Shopping in California is a little different than elsewhere. Most places ask "paper or plastic?" but here they ask "bag?" and then charge you for each bag you need. It is all about recycling and saving the environment here and I guess that is a good thing. We have a number of reusable and insulated bags so the only problem is remembering to bring them in to the store when we shop.
We have eaten out at a few restaurants and have really enjoyed them. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a carboholic. Pasta, rice, and bread.....especially bread if it is fresh or home made. The San Francisco area is known for their sourdough bread and it lives up to all the claims. Even Mary has decided that sourdough bread is the bomb. There will be NO keto dieting in the bay area! In less than two weeks we are already on our third loaf and I don't plan on stopping. Maybe slowing down a little, but bring on the sourdough.
Well I have to get ready for work soon so I will have a slice or two of that heavenly bread with my coffee before I head out from our home in California because......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, May 4, 2019
'19/#17 It's A Wonderful Life
Mary and I were sitting here thinking about where we are. This is someplace we dreamt about going and it has become a reality. Then we talked about all the places we have been, and hopefully you have followed, and realized the destinations were only part of the adventure. Most people who travel either hop on a plane and miraculously are transported to their destination or jump in the car and drive, drive, drive, until they get there. Our travels are different.
Just this trip to California was an adventure all it's own. Yes, there were some tough times but that is what makes it an adventure. In just under a month's time we have seen the Cadillac Ranch, a bird's eye view of Albuquerque, that corner in Winslow Arizona, Meteor Crater, the London Bridge, Death Valley, Lake Tahoe, and the Pacific Ocean. We also ran into tornado warnings, hail warnings, and had a tire blow out. Exciting and interesting all while making memories we will never forget.
We are settling in here in Petaluma. I'm sure the blogs will be a little less exciting as we get into the work camping routine of this park. We do plan on exploring and enjoying the area and plan on sharing it all with everyone who is following us. I will say good day now so I can get ready for work at our home in California because.....
Home is where we park it ,
Frank and Mary
Saturday, April 27, 2019
'19/#16 Made It!
With almost 2400 miles of road under our tires we have arrived in Petaluma California. We have seen some awesome things along the way and have tried to share them with everyone following. This is why we live this RV life. The KOA we will be at for the summer looks like it is a really nice campground and promises to be busy all through the season. So far everyone we have met is friendly and that should make for a good team here at the park.
The trip from Nevada was relatively uneventful. There were some pretty good grades to ascend and descend but the truck handled it like a champ. Crossing the Sierra-Nevada mountains we went from about 4000 feet above sea level to over 7000 feet and back down to below 1000 feet with several grades of over 5%. If you have ever towed a trailer in the mountains you know that 5% while not much in a car or truck becomes more difficult with several thousand pounds of trailer behind you. It can be taxing on your vehicle. The engine will be straining going up and your brakes can get hot and fade on the way down. We have close to 18,000 lbs of trailer and over 7000 lbs of truck to get up and down the mountains so it is important to have the proper vehicle for the task and that it is in good shape. Again, uneventful because of the right equipment kept in good condition.
Day one in Petaluma was just getting everything set up since this will be home for the next six months. Being a vacation type campground we can't make it too much like home. To keep with the aesthetics of the park we must keep our rig looking like it will be moving out any day. Nothing to indicate that we are long term residents. Mary will have to keep her plants to a minimum. It can't start looking like a plant nursery. No trailer skirting, no hard piping for the sewer, and nothing looking like we are setting up for a summer long party. No problem. We try to keep things at a minimalist level. The less stuff we have, the less stuff we have to pack to move.
We don't start our work camping jobs until Monday so we will start exploring the area around our home in Petaluma because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
The trip from Nevada was relatively uneventful. There were some pretty good grades to ascend and descend but the truck handled it like a champ. Crossing the Sierra-Nevada mountains we went from about 4000 feet above sea level to over 7000 feet and back down to below 1000 feet with several grades of over 5%. If you have ever towed a trailer in the mountains you know that 5% while not much in a car or truck becomes more difficult with several thousand pounds of trailer behind you. It can be taxing on your vehicle. The engine will be straining going up and your brakes can get hot and fade on the way down. We have close to 18,000 lbs of trailer and over 7000 lbs of truck to get up and down the mountains so it is important to have the proper vehicle for the task and that it is in good shape. Again, uneventful because of the right equipment kept in good condition.
Day one in Petaluma was just getting everything set up since this will be home for the next six months. Being a vacation type campground we can't make it too much like home. To keep with the aesthetics of the park we must keep our rig looking like it will be moving out any day. Nothing to indicate that we are long term residents. Mary will have to keep her plants to a minimum. It can't start looking like a plant nursery. No trailer skirting, no hard piping for the sewer, and nothing looking like we are setting up for a summer long party. No problem. We try to keep things at a minimalist level. The less stuff we have, the less stuff we have to pack to move.
We don't start our work camping jobs until Monday so we will start exploring the area around our home in Petaluma because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Friday, April 26, 2019
'19/#15 Pretty As A Picture
Today the plan was to drive around Lake Tahoe and see what all the hubbub is about. Well let me tell you it is as spectacular as we have heard. As they say pictures do it no justice. It was like looking ata a post card in real life. But that didn't stop us from taking a bunch. Once again we entered California since the lake is split between Nevada and California. With the lake surface at over 6000 feet elevation we had some climbing and winding roads to travel. Directions and information centers are spotty at best but it really wasn't hard to find.
With over seventy miles of shore line we were glad we set aside the whole day, but as with everything else enough is enough. Stopping and taking pictures of the lake and the surrounding mountains was fun and the views were amazing but it was the same lake and the same mountains after a while. Half way around we decided to loop around to the interstate and check out Reno.
Now my view may be a bit skewed because I am not a gambler at all. The occasional lottery ticket is about as risky as I get. Mary may put a few dollars in a slot machine but we feel we can get more for our money elsewhere. I am not putting down gambling as entertainment. If someone enjoys it more power to them. I just doesn't do it for us. Everyone likes something different. If we all like the same things the world would be a very boring place.
Tomorrow we head out for Petaluma California. This will be our last day of travel before we set down temporary roots for the summer. I will report more on that later but for now this is good bye for the last time in our home in Nevada because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
With over seventy miles of shore line we were glad we set aside the whole day, but as with everything else enough is enough. Stopping and taking pictures of the lake and the surrounding mountains was fun and the views were amazing but it was the same lake and the same mountains after a while. Half way around we decided to loop around to the interstate and check out Reno.
Now my view may be a bit skewed because I am not a gambler at all. The occasional lottery ticket is about as risky as I get. Mary may put a few dollars in a slot machine but we feel we can get more for our money elsewhere. I am not putting down gambling as entertainment. If someone enjoys it more power to them. I just doesn't do it for us. Everyone likes something different. If we all like the same things the world would be a very boring place.
Tomorrow we head out for Petaluma California. This will be our last day of travel before we set down temporary roots for the summer. I will report more on that later but for now this is good bye for the last time in our home in Nevada because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
'19/#14 Almost There
Minden Nevada should be our last stop before arriving at our summer destination in Petaluma California. On the map we are only an inch or two from Lake Tahoe so we will do some exploring there and around the Carson Valley area. The casino has a nice yet cozy RV park with all the amenities we need. The sites are level, the electric connections are good, and the water and sewer hook-ups are more than adequate. The WiFi is even outstanding which can be hit or miss when it is "free" with your paid stay.
Yesterday we went to Genoa Nevada, the first settled town in the state. The two blocks that make up the town were interesting but not worthy of a lot of time. It is good to see where and what the settlers did to travel across the country but it is just a blip in the grand scheme of things.
Then we decided to head up to Virginia City. It is an old mining town up in the hills where some 3 billion dollars worth of gold and silver were taken from the ground. It is now just a tourist destination but the town has been maintained in the style that is was in it's hey day. It is also where Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twin, started his literary career.
We walked the old wooden sidewalks and visited the shops that now occupied the old buildings. Pictures of the old buildings and period styled signs completed the walk through time experience. We even took a picture in front of the Post Office. The town itself isn't very big but it was fun to walk the same streets that the miners did back in the day. Parking on the street included mule parking.
Tomorrow will be more exploring around Lake Tahoe so goodbye from our home in Minden Nevada because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Yesterday we went to Genoa Nevada, the first settled town in the state. The two blocks that make up the town were interesting but not worthy of a lot of time. It is good to see where and what the settlers did to travel across the country but it is just a blip in the grand scheme of things.
Then we decided to head up to Virginia City. It is an old mining town up in the hills where some 3 billion dollars worth of gold and silver were taken from the ground. It is now just a tourist destination but the town has been maintained in the style that is was in it's hey day. It is also where Samuel Clemens, also known as Mark Twin, started his literary career.
We walked the old wooden sidewalks and visited the shops that now occupied the old buildings. Pictures of the old buildings and period styled signs completed the walk through time experience. We even took a picture in front of the Post Office. The town itself isn't very big but it was fun to walk the same streets that the miners did back in the day. Parking on the street included mule parking.
Tomorrow will be more exploring around Lake Tahoe so goodbye from our home in Minden Nevada because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Monday, April 22, 2019
'19/#14 I Know Why It's Called Death Valley
Beatty Nevada is not a major cultural center. In fact it is not the center of anything except nowhere. It is one of the entrances to Death Valley so we decided to take a ride and see what it was all about. An hour or so later we had driven through some mighty desolate country. There were some pretty colors in the rock formations and the vastness of the whole thing was impressive but not much to see or do for these travelers. The winters can get pretty cold and the summers are famous for it's extreme heat. Highest recorded temperature on the face of the earth is 134 degrees in Death Valley. I know it is a "dry" heat but so is an oven. Try trading places with your next Thanksgiving turkey.
On the way back we stopped at a ghost town called Rhyolite. It was a gold mining town that lasted for about 15 years with a population of almost 10,000. Then it just disappeared. There is one building mostly intact and the rest are little more than foundations and partial walls. Again not a lot here but it is part of the story of how and why the west was settled by adventurers look to get rich.
Having seen all we wanted to see we set out to continue our journey towards California. We headed north towards the Lake Tahoe area for our next stop. The roads seem to go on forever and there is very little in the way of civilization along the way. After an hour on the road we stopped in Goldfield NV for breakfast at a place called Dinky's Diner. If the speed limit hadn't dropped to 25mph in town we might have missed it. Breakfast was good and reasonable and we were on our way after a couple of pictures of the towns highlights.
Like I said there is not much civilization along the way, therefore there are not a lot of fueling opportunities. Today was a 300 mile day yet I stopped for fuel three times. When I saw diesel pumps I stopped, especially if the price was reasonable. We did well as far as price was concerned keeping the diesel prices under $3.10 per gallon. That will change once we get to California.
In between the forever straight roads we also had a number of small towns, and I use the term "town" loosely. Not much more than abandon mines, scrap yards, and cat houses. Yes cat houses also known as houses of prostitution. Mary was amazed that this was going on to the point that she looked them up on Google. Big mistake! Now she is on their mailing list and they want her to review it on Yelp!!! I hope this doesn't follow her around for long.
We finally made it to Minden NV and the Carson Valley Casino,Hotel, and RV Park. This will be our home base for a few days while we explore the Lake Tahoe area. So I am signing off from our Home in Minden Nevada because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
![]() |
One of Beatty's Prominent Citizens |
On the way back we stopped at a ghost town called Rhyolite. It was a gold mining town that lasted for about 15 years with a population of almost 10,000. Then it just disappeared. There is one building mostly intact and the rest are little more than foundations and partial walls. Again not a lot here but it is part of the story of how and why the west was settled by adventurers look to get rich.
Having seen all we wanted to see we set out to continue our journey towards California. We headed north towards the Lake Tahoe area for our next stop. The roads seem to go on forever and there is very little in the way of civilization along the way. After an hour on the road we stopped in Goldfield NV for breakfast at a place called Dinky's Diner. If the speed limit hadn't dropped to 25mph in town we might have missed it. Breakfast was good and reasonable and we were on our way after a couple of pictures of the towns highlights.
Like I said there is not much civilization along the way, therefore there are not a lot of fueling opportunities. Today was a 300 mile day yet I stopped for fuel three times. When I saw diesel pumps I stopped, especially if the price was reasonable. We did well as far as price was concerned keeping the diesel prices under $3.10 per gallon. That will change once we get to California.
In between the forever straight roads we also had a number of small towns, and I use the term "town" loosely. Not much more than abandon mines, scrap yards, and cat houses. Yes cat houses also known as houses of prostitution. Mary was amazed that this was going on to the point that she looked them up on Google. Big mistake! Now she is on their mailing list and they want her to review it on Yelp!!! I hope this doesn't follow her around for long.
We finally made it to Minden NV and the Carson Valley Casino,Hotel, and RV Park. This will be our home base for a few days while we explore the Lake Tahoe area. So I am signing off from our Home in Minden Nevada because.....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Sunday, April 21, 2019
"19/#13 In And Out In California But Not The Burger Joint
Lake Havasu was fun but it was time to hit the road again. Since we have been keeping our days to 300 miles (give or take) we don't have to get up at the crack of dawn. Awake by 8am, shower, a cup of coffee, and check e-mails and we are on the road by 10am. Six hours of driving puts us about 300 miles down the road by 4pm and gives us time to check in, set up, have dinner, and relax. We can now relax during the driving part of our travels. This is our new normal and I like it.
Less than an hour after leaving Lake Havasu City we crossed into California. Yes that is our final destination but not quite yet. After the agricultural cavity check, which wasn't really that bad, we traveled west a little ways before heading north. We crossed some imaginary line somewhere in the desert and were suddenly in Nevada. Goodbye California. See Ya later! US 95 North is so much nicer in Nevada than California. On the California two lane winding road we were left to wonder if there was anyone else out here in the desert. In Nevada the almost straight four lane looked like most good highways just with a lot fewer places to stop. But Las Vegas was in front of us, so not to worry.
We arrived at Henderson and had to make an emergency bladder relief stop, so I figured it was also a good time to stop for fuel. We found diesel for $2.89 a gallon while everyone else was getting $3.05 or more. Thank you bladder! Then we drove through Las Vegas and the "Bedrock" interchange (see any Flintstone episode) and made it to open road with just 100 miles to our destination. We should arrive by 3:30pm. Perfect, right? I spoke too soon.
Just after the construction and shortly after entering the Piute Indian reservation that ominous and all too familiar thump, whap,whap,whap sound hit our ears as our tire pressure monitor simultaneously started screaming we lost pressure in one of the trailer tires. Got off the road before the tire could do any real damage and started our impersonation of a NASCAR pit crew. About the time I was getting ready to jack up the trailer Wild Life Officer Smith (no relation to Yogi's Ranger Smith) pulled up behind us with lights flashing. He offered to help but sensed we knew what we were doing and just stayed there with his lights on to protect us. He also told us where we could get a new tire since I DO NOT travel without a spare. Thank you Officer Smith..
A quick turn around, a short drive back into Las Vegas and just about two hours behind schedule we were back on the road with a brand new tire. Arrival time now 5:30pm. Just after the park office closes but still early enough to get settled in. A full day of driving with sudden bursts of stress and we were exhausted. Mary called it an early night and I was not far behind.
I am signing off as it is now morning and I am on my second cup of coffee before some local exploring near our home here in our home in Beatty Nevada because.......
Home is where we park it,
Frank an Mary
Less than an hour after leaving Lake Havasu City we crossed into California. Yes that is our final destination but not quite yet. After the agricultural cavity check, which wasn't really that bad, we traveled west a little ways before heading north. We crossed some imaginary line somewhere in the desert and were suddenly in Nevada. Goodbye California. See Ya later! US 95 North is so much nicer in Nevada than California. On the California two lane winding road we were left to wonder if there was anyone else out here in the desert. In Nevada the almost straight four lane looked like most good highways just with a lot fewer places to stop. But Las Vegas was in front of us, so not to worry.
We arrived at Henderson and had to make an emergency bladder relief stop, so I figured it was also a good time to stop for fuel. We found diesel for $2.89 a gallon while everyone else was getting $3.05 or more. Thank you bladder! Then we drove through Las Vegas and the "Bedrock" interchange (see any Flintstone episode) and made it to open road with just 100 miles to our destination. We should arrive by 3:30pm. Perfect, right? I spoke too soon.
Just after the construction and shortly after entering the Piute Indian reservation that ominous and all too familiar thump, whap,whap,whap sound hit our ears as our tire pressure monitor simultaneously started screaming we lost pressure in one of the trailer tires. Got off the road before the tire could do any real damage and started our impersonation of a NASCAR pit crew. About the time I was getting ready to jack up the trailer Wild Life Officer Smith (no relation to Yogi's Ranger Smith) pulled up behind us with lights flashing. He offered to help but sensed we knew what we were doing and just stayed there with his lights on to protect us. He also told us where we could get a new tire since I DO NOT travel without a spare. Thank you Officer Smith..
A quick turn around, a short drive back into Las Vegas and just about two hours behind schedule we were back on the road with a brand new tire. Arrival time now 5:30pm. Just after the park office closes but still early enough to get settled in. A full day of driving with sudden bursts of stress and we were exhausted. Mary called it an early night and I was not far behind.
I am signing off as it is now morning and I am on my second cup of coffee before some local exploring near our home here in our home in Beatty Nevada because.......
Home is where we park it,
Frank an Mary
Saturday, April 20, 2019
'19/#12 The Bridge On This Side Of The Pond
Winslow Arizona was fun and Meteor Crater was cool but we had one more day in Arizona. Our next stay over is in Lake Havasu City, the home of the London Bridge. Actually it would be the new home of the London Bridge.
The story goes that a land developer wanted to build a town in the middle of the desert. Once he got the idea off the ground and it was progressing he wanted to add a feature that would be the center piece of the city and bring more people to visit and stay. Since the rumors (wink,wink) of the Brooklyn Bridge being for sale were unfounded he heard about the London Bridge. It was an all granite structure that was disassembled in England and put up for sale. Robert McCulloch placed the winning bid and moved it to Lake Havasu City and the rest is history or relocated history. The bridge is now the second most visited attraction in Arizona after the Grand Canyon!
We walked down by the bridge through the English Village where all things touristy are for sale. Took our obligatory pictures and went on a boat ride on Lake Havasu. The lake is a boating mecca and the parade of boats in what is now considered the shoulder season was non-stop. Boat races are held on the lake and other events are scheduled around the year that keeps people coming to this man made oasis in the Arizona desert.
Our next stop will be in Death Valley. We will find a place in Nevada for a night or two and continue our adventure. So I will sign off now from our home near the London Bridge (NOT in London) because......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
The story goes that a land developer wanted to build a town in the middle of the desert. Once he got the idea off the ground and it was progressing he wanted to add a feature that would be the center piece of the city and bring more people to visit and stay. Since the rumors (wink,wink) of the Brooklyn Bridge being for sale were unfounded he heard about the London Bridge. It was an all granite structure that was disassembled in England and put up for sale. Robert McCulloch placed the winning bid and moved it to Lake Havasu City and the rest is history or relocated history. The bridge is now the second most visited attraction in Arizona after the Grand Canyon!
We walked down by the bridge through the English Village where all things touristy are for sale. Took our obligatory pictures and went on a boat ride on Lake Havasu. The lake is a boating mecca and the parade of boats in what is now considered the shoulder season was non-stop. Boat races are held on the lake and other events are scheduled around the year that keeps people coming to this man made oasis in the Arizona desert.
Our next stop will be in Death Valley. We will find a place in Nevada for a night or two and continue our adventure. So I will sign off now from our home near the London Bridge (NOT in London) because......
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Thursday, April 18, 2019
'19/#11 Rock And Roll Culture And A Hole iIn The Ground
Albuquerque in the rear view mirror and on to Arizona. Our next overnight stay is Meteor Crater RV park but along the way we have to pass Winslow AZ. The song "Take Easy" by the Eagles has made this little town a tourist stop and we are tourists so.... A little turn off of the interstate and we are again on historic Rt 66. This time we are in downtown Winslow Arizona. We were able to park the rig on the street just a block from the "Standing On The Corner" landmark. Lots of touristy pictures and post cards and a couple of tee shirts and we were again on our way.
Not too far down the road we arrived at Meteor Crater RV Park, our destination for the night. After checking in we called the crater operations and found out that the hiking tours along the crater's rim were cancelled due to high winds. We opted to just check out the museum and observation platforms. The hike along the rim would have been cool but it just wasn't in the cards this time. The crater itself was impressive. Big enough to hold 20 football games simultaneously and have 2 million people watching in the stands! It is the first confirmed meteor crater and the best preserved in the world. Make you feel kind of small standing next to it.
Not much more to say here but tomorrow is another day. So until the next blog goodbye from our home at the edge of the crater because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
Not too far down the road we arrived at Meteor Crater RV Park, our destination for the night. After checking in we called the crater operations and found out that the hiking tours along the crater's rim were cancelled due to high winds. We opted to just check out the museum and observation platforms. The hike along the rim would have been cool but it just wasn't in the cards this time. The crater itself was impressive. Big enough to hold 20 football games simultaneously and have 2 million people watching in the stands! It is the first confirmed meteor crater and the best preserved in the world. Make you feel kind of small standing next to it.
Not much more to say here but tomorrow is another day. So until the next blog goodbye from our home at the edge of the crater because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
'19/#10 Changes in Altitudes, Changes In Latitudes
From big steaks and painting old cars by the road we continued our trek toward the west. Our next stop is Albuquerque, New Mexico. Finally out of Texas and another new destination to explore. Also some business to take care of so we spent two days at the Enchanted Trails RV Park. Like most RV parks along the route and not considered destination parks we had all the amenities expected. There was the highway noise form I-40 just a couple of hundred yards away, there were trains clacking along their way and blowing horns through the night, and to complete the trifecta a small airport not very far away. Land for RV parks is not readily available in nice quiet neighborhoods so these are the sounds we have come to expect and have gotten used to.
In Albuquerque we drove along a stretch of Historic Rt 66. We stopped at a landmark hot dog stand and had a late lunch and explored the area a bit. We were trying to kill a little time before we headed up to Sandia Peak. There is a cable car that takes you to the top and the sunsets are supposed to be magnificent. We rode to the top of the mountain at 10398 feet and were amazed at the views from the top as well as the cable car. Mary has a lot more pictures on Facebook. The sunset was as promised and the temperatures fell rapidly after that. Home to the RV and a good nights sleep.
The next day was all business. The shower seemed to have sprung a leak around the handle and needed repair. Fortunately there was a Camping World right next door. They had the part I needed but as with everything these days it was built like crap and needed a little modifying to work properly. That meant a trip to Home Depot and some creative out of the box thinking. Several hours later everything was put back together a sufficiently caulked. New caulking means we couldn't use our shower so we showered at the bath house and did some laundry while we were at it.
I've said it in the past, this is not a vacation but a lifestyle. Chores need to be done and things happen and need to be taken care of. That is the life of a full time RVer. Our next destination is Meteor Crater in Arizona. WOW! Once we are out of Texas it seems that the states just go flying by.
Well I will sign off now from our home in Albuquerque because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
In Albuquerque we drove along a stretch of Historic Rt 66. We stopped at a landmark hot dog stand and had a late lunch and explored the area a bit. We were trying to kill a little time before we headed up to Sandia Peak. There is a cable car that takes you to the top and the sunsets are supposed to be magnificent. We rode to the top of the mountain at 10398 feet and were amazed at the views from the top as well as the cable car. Mary has a lot more pictures on Facebook. The sunset was as promised and the temperatures fell rapidly after that. Home to the RV and a good nights sleep.
The next day was all business. The shower seemed to have sprung a leak around the handle and needed repair. Fortunately there was a Camping World right next door. They had the part I needed but as with everything these days it was built like crap and needed a little modifying to work properly. That meant a trip to Home Depot and some creative out of the box thinking. Several hours later everything was put back together a sufficiently caulked. New caulking means we couldn't use our shower so we showered at the bath house and did some laundry while we were at it.
I've said it in the past, this is not a vacation but a lifestyle. Chores need to be done and things happen and need to be taken care of. That is the life of a full time RVer. Our next destination is Meteor Crater in Arizona. WOW! Once we are out of Texas it seems that the states just go flying by.
Well I will sign off now from our home in Albuquerque because....
Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary
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