Thursday, October 6, 2016

'16/#40 When It Rains It Hurruicanes!!!

                                                                                                                We are 3 days out of surgery and Mary is doing well. She is still in a lot of pain but it is a different kind of pain. I guess you would call it a healing pain. Mary wonders, like all of us who have had surgery, why we can't just wake up from the anesthesia, be cured, and get on with life? I wish.......Any way I think she has done well going from this to that in 3 days.

To anyone who is wondering we are on the opposite side of Florida from hurricane Mathew. On the other hand we have family who are near where it is going to make land fall. We are worried but they are in a safe place to ride it out. Positive thoughts for them and everyone else who
will be affected by the storm.

We are moving this Saturday. This move has been planned and has nothing to do with the arrival of Mathew. With Mary tooling around on a bum wheel I will be looking to our grandson Alex to give me a hand with the move. I can do it but another set of eyes is always a help.

Anyway we will be watching the weather like everyone else and hoping that it doesn't cause too much damage. Safe and sound in our home in Seminole FL because....

Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary