Saturday, February 27, 2010

#32 Never a Dull Moment

Well, let's recap. I have back surgery, for those who haven't heard Foxy had a tumor removed, and now Mary has surgery for trigger thumb. I sure hope that we are all healed in time for our April 1 departure. We have plans this year & our health relys on it. There's the motorcycle rally in Lake George & now Mary has us signed up to beet farm in N Dakota. This sound like a real hoot doesn't it?

With just a little over a month to get ready time is running short & preparations are going to be getting a little frantic. I am sure we will get everything done but the pressure is on. The motorcycles need service, the trailer needs a new tire, the truck needs service & some other work, and on and on....

Until the next time on the road to health....
in Largo FL because...

Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

#31 It's Still Cold!

Ok, I watch the news and see the weather up north, but... come on! We are now Snow Birds and we come to FL for the warm weather. Damn the groundhog, I want some warm weather. Maybe if the weather improves I will get out & be more active. This will surely help my back surgery recovery. There was that one day that qualified as "chamber of commerce" weather the first week of the State Fair. The timing was perfect for us to take our granddaughter to the fair for her birthday. She turns 5 soon and Grandmommy & Granddad spent the whole day at the fair. The 3 of us had a great day and we all slept great that night.

Just to keep everyone up to date on my recovery, I seem to be improving. I did well at the fair & am having more good days all the time. The doctor told me that it will take at least 4 months so I will have to be patient.

Right now my main concern is that I will be well enough to get ready to travel by the end of March. I know that Mary can do just about everything that needs to be done, but she shouldn't have to. I want to be able to do my share. So I will keep doing my therapy and keeping active in anticipation of our pending departure. So, while I continue to improve I will keep writing from our home in Largo FL because......

Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary