Monday, October 14, 2024

'24/#39 Moving Day

 No, we aren't leaving Michigan yet. As workcampers we get our RV site free therefore the site is not a premium one that will produce more revenue during the season. Our site was a water and electric site which means no sewer hook-up. To get rid of our waste water we used a pump and an auxiliary tank to take our black and grey water to a dump station and dispose of it. It wasn't a big deal but once a week it took about an hour of our time. We did do it on the clock so we were getting paid to get rid of our poop!

Now that the season is winding down more sites have become available and we have moved to a full hook-up sit with sewer. This will give me the opportunity to back flush all the waste water tanks and have them clean and ready when we hit the road. We are also closer to the office so our commute to work is three minutes instead of five.

In addition to taking care of our tanks we are starting to stow things away so when "D" day arrives we will be ready. "D" is for departure. The next two weeks will be spent shutting things down in the campground and trying to stay warm. This mornings temperature was about 30 degrees and the high will not reach the 50's. 

Gotta get ready for work so I will sign off now from our home in St Ignace because......

Home is where we park it, 

FRank and Mary

Monday, October 7, 2024

'24/#38 Time For Introspection

 It has been almost two months since my last blog. This summer is just one of those periods of time when the excitement of travel wanes. In the last blog I mentioned that coming back might have been a mistake because of our "one and done" rule of not going back to the same place twice. Looking back ( introspection...wink, wink) it turns out we may have been wrong. This summer has not turned out as bad as it seemed.

The disappointment we were feeling turned out to be caused by one particular couple that was working here. They were the type that tries to make everyone around them look bad so they look better than they actualy are. This created dischord an animosity amongst the workcamping group. As the only returning workcampers we were in a unique position to compare and share our experiences of last season to this year. Most of the people here realized that things could and should be better if we all just did our jobs and didn't interfere with anyone else. Eventualy the managers (first year managers at that) were able to get everyone to just work and ignore the disruptive personalities. 

Shortly thereafter the offending couple left and everyone was getting along and doing their jobs. We became a good social working group which is the goal of most workcamping crews. We work together, we live together, we have to get along together. Since things have gotten better and we have become closer with the new managers we have decided that we may come back for a third season!

YES! Three time is definitely a break from only visiting the same place more than once. If you follow us at all you know that this year was different from any of our past adventures. It turns out that sometimes hum-drum can work. We have been able to pad our nest egg a little since we did most of our exploring in this area last year and the new managers want us back in a new capacity. The new jobs will be easier for us old folks and we will be able to help them bring some of the good things that were done this year over into the next.

Well back to hum-drum or what we now call comfortable. The season is winding down and it's nice to watch the nest egg grow in anticipation of our next adventure. So I will sign off now, with a promise to start blogging more, from our home in Michigan because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

'24/#37 Time Marches On

 Well it has been two and a half weeks since we got to the U.P. We have settled in and started working. Everyone here is new from last year except Fred who is the one and only local on staff and it was good to see him. Schedules are different with the new managers so we had to find a system of our own that fit in with the rest of the crew.

Now that we are in our "zone" at work some things have become apparent. First of we shouldn't have broken our rule of "one and done". Coming back to the same job makes it feel like a long term commitment or even a career. The novelty of a new job, in a new place, and with new people is gone and we just drop into that rut called the rat race. It just isn't fun. It isn't terrible, but not knowing what is going to happen next is better than the hum-drum of again and again and again. This is something Mary and I have come to look forward to in our nomadic lifestyle. The not knowing is exciting and afterwards, good bad or indifferent, we have a story to tell around the campfire.

The second thing we have learned is that we are getting older. Hell, I'm just old! We can't do the work we did in the past and will have to look at workcamping jobs differently in the future. We will be looking at jobs that are less strenuous that will probably have less compensation. We will be good as long as our accomodations are covered and maybe even a little cash to go with it. We shall see.

We have our days off now and we will take it easy just hanging around the campground. There are some chores that need to be done and an old work friend is supposed to be in the area. We hope to get together with them and spend a little time.

It feels like breakfast time so I will sign off and start cooking here in our home in the Upper Peninsula because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

Saturday, July 27, 2024

'24/#36 Let's Recap

 We are now settled in our home in Michigan and are looking forward to not traveling every couple of days. I can now sit down and recap the whirlwind of the last four months.

We started this trip with RV work done on the trailer and now after almost 10 thousand miles I can say that the suspension upgrade was worth every penny. Let's just say that it is easier to drive and making it much less stressful and fatiguing. We caught up with friends in Missouri, saw the eclipse in Arkansas, picked up our mail in north Texas, said a sad goodbye to a dear friend in south Texas, and a happy hello to another while making some new friends. It was then on to New Mexico to the White Sands, Arizona and Antelope Canyon, Utah and more old friends, and Idaho for some falls and Evel Knievel's Snake River jump site. That was the first month!

It was time to slow down a little. Next on the hit parade we saw Crater Lake in Oregon and on to a little off the beaten path campground just to chill for a week. Now that we were rested it was off to Washington State via Columbia River Gorge, Olympic National Park and Pikes Place Market in Seattle. After all this travel west it was eastward bound to Great Falls Montana and more quality time with a friend from the past. A little relaxing and preping the RV for the main event of the summer.

We headed north to hook-up with the RV tour we had booked to see the Calgary Stampede, Banff, and Glacier/Waterton Peace Park also known as Canada's Waterton Park and Glacier National Park in the U.S. Then it was back to Great Falls to unwind and make plans for the rest of the summer.

That led to the race east toward Michigan. We stopped in Sturgis SD for a night while the city was preparing for their annual bike rally and a stop in Mitchell SD with our third trip to the Corn Palace. Sounds a little hokie and it is but we like it. A few more nights on the road and here we are in St Ignace Michigan. 

There are new people at the park this year and they seem just as nice as the last group. We are looking forward to getting into a little routine working and still seeing some of the Upper Peninsula that we missed last year. As I've said before we will also put a little cash back in the savings account for future adventures.

I will sign off from our home, for a while, here in the U.P. because.....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

'24/#35 Piling On The Miles

 It has been a week since we finished the tour and we are back on the road making our own way. Our boss from last year offered us work to finish the season in Michigan and we took advantage of the opportunity. We need a break from all the travel. Since we left Florida on March 22nd we have traveled almost 9000 miles. We plan to sit still until sometime in October.

This summer's travel also took a dip out of our wallet and there is also the wear and tear on the truck and trailer after all those miles. We will be able to replenish some of that and pay for the maintenance working the rest of the summer season. 

Speaking of miles, just this past week we have driven right around 1500 miles. Six days of overnight stays and we will be looking forward to not traveling every day. It will be nice to set up our home for an extended stay. There will be pictures put up, clocks back on the wall, and knick knacks set out to make it feel like a home. We will also be sitting still long enough for our mail to catch up with us. And finally we will have a place for Amazon to find us. I am surprised that Amazon hasn't sent out a wellness check on us! 

Well tomorrow we will be setting down some temporary roots, but for today I will say goodbye from our home in Wisconson because ....

Home is where we park it, 

Frank and Mary

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

'24/#34 We Are Free To Roam The Country

 We made it across the border in what had to be the easiest crossing coming back to the states. Usually it is the  third degree and the fear of being detained while they search for something that is not there, just because they can. There was a line and a little wait but that was the worst of it.

The next stop was Glacier National Park. This is something that has been on the bucket list for quite a while. The tour we were with made all the reservations for the Red Bus tour on the Going To The Sun Road and the boat ride on McDonald Lake. Glacier implemented a reservation system several years ago to control the crowds and protect the park. No reservation, no trip up the Going to The Sun Road. It is inconvenient for impulse visits but a little planning and the park is all yours. 

The bus ride up the road was amazing. I could have done it with the truck but I would have missed all the breathtaking views. The road itself is a marvel of engineering and the constant maintenance shows. There are lots of pictures on Facebook from me and Mary. The next day was a casual boat ride on the lake with lots of information on the park's geological history and the people who have lived there.

This is the last day of our Fantasy Tour. We met a lot of nice people and we got to see some of the things we always wanted. But we are not tour people. We like to travel on our own, change plans as we head down the road, and explore whatever the road may put in front of us. This is probably our last tour. Tours are great for people who don't like planning all the details of a trip. It is a lot of work, but that is part of the experience. Also there are people who don't like to travel long ways in unfamiliar areas by themselves and tours are perfect for them. We are glad we did it but it just wasn't our cup of tea.

We are winding down for a couple of days back in Great Falls, Montana and will hit the road soon. Glad you could join us on our adventure. I will sign off now in our home in Great Falls because....

Home is where we park it, 

Frank and Mary

Saturday, July 13, 2024

'24/#33 Glad To Be Going Home

 It's been twelve days on this RV tour and it is winding down. Today we are traveling back across the border into the U.S. Hopefully this border crossing is as simple as the one coming into Canada. 

We have met a lot of nice people on this trip and seen some wonderful things but it will be nice to get back on our own schedule. I don't think...I know we will not do this RV caravan thing again. Between the rush, rush, rush and the camping they chose it is not for us. The first camping was a temporary set-up in a stadium parking lot with limited facilities. We were aware of this going in so it was not too much of an issue. 

The next campground was a privately owned. This campground is not one we would have chosen. Tight turns, limited electric and sewer hook-ups, and the number of permanent residents is not what we expected on an organized RV caravan. There were a number of RVs that had electrical issues. as we did, and all the campground owner could say is that we were using too much electricity or that we had issues inside our rigs. I expected that for the price of this caravan to be in campgrounds that could accomodate the number and types of RVs that participated.

Almost everything is raedy to go so I will sign off for the last time from our home in Canada because.....

Home is where we park it, 

Frank andd Mary