Friday, October 13, 2023

'23/#24 BALLOONS!

 We are in Albuqerque NM for the Balloon Fiesta. It is supposed to be the largest single gathering of hot air ballons in the world. This year 618 balloons are registered. One year they had over 1000 ballons and decided it was too much to handle. Our group checked in on Thursday, had orientation, and then dinner. The next three days will be all about the ballons.

The balloon glow and mass ascension start at 7am so it is imperative to get there early. We decided 4:30 am was the time to wake and start our adventure. A short bus ride from the RV area and we were right in the middle of the activity. We watched balloons inflate before the sunrise and walked among them gaping and taking pictures. As the sun started to rise so did the balloons.

First there were a few then maybe a dozen then twenty or so and soon there were more balloons in the sky than we could count. There will be lots of pictures and some videos here and on Facebook from Mary and myself. We counted and between the two of us we took almost 500 pictores before 10am! There is not much more to say than we saw balloons, more ballons and lots of balloons of every shape, size, color, and theme.

We were back in the RV about 10:30 am tired but too excited to sleep. Played with the pictures, ate a little lunch, and blogged. Now we are tired and will take a nap to be back at the launch field for the Special Shape Glowdeo tonight. More pictures to follow.

It's nap time in our home in New Mexico because....

Home is where we park it,

Frank and Mary


  1. This is so spectacular! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm sure it was awesome to be there and see in person!
