Saturday, November 30, 2019

'19/#39 Black Friday Boycot

Black Friday as noted on Facebook is the day people trample each other to get more stuff the day after they gave thanks for all that they already have. We do not participate in the spending insanity but take the day to reflect on our life as it has been and what it will be in the future.

If you have been following us you know we are living our dream. As far as we are concerned it is a wonderful life regardless of how we got here. I believe in the butterfly effect theory that says the flap of a single butterfly's wings can start a chain reaction that can totally affect events in the distant future anywhere on earth. Therefore I have no regrets. Every choice I have made, every action I have taken, and every person I have met has led me to this point in my life. If anything along the way had happened differently I might not be who I am, where I am, or with whom I am today. So to everyone who has crossed my path in any way at all I thank you for all that I have to be grateful for.

That being said I am happy to say that I got to talk to just about everyone that I wanted to and know that they all are doing well. I also want to say thank you to everyone who sent Thanksgiving wishes and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to anyone we missed. Now that Thanksgiving is over I have resigned myself to the fact that Christmas is on the way and we all will be inundated with commercials and music and holiday greetings for the next month.

To everyone out there, take the time to remember what is important in your life. Hopefully it is not just stuff like Christmas or Chanukah presents but the time spent with friends and family throughout the holidays and into the New Year. I will sign off now as the park starts to decorate for Christmas in our home in Pharr because.....

Home is where we park it,
Frank and Mary

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