Saturday, November 13, 2010

#135 Routine, Routine, Routine

Well, like I surmised it has not been a week full of bogging material. We finally have gotten everything set up & are starting to get into our winter routine. That means cooking, cleaning, shopping, & seeing our friends & family in the area. Even though home is where ever we park it this is our "home base".

The trailer park is starting to fill up with the winter regulars & it is nice to see everyone again. Unfortunately with any group of retirees there is attrition due to age related issues. Some will not make it due to illness, some can't travel anymore, & sadly some aren't with us at all. It is all part of life but we all do the best we can. Mary is excited because Bingo has started. I am just looking forward to getting together with our good friends. Mary is also looking forward to line dancing, water exercises, & the Red Hat Ladies. She is fitting in with the little old ladies a little too well. I think they like having her around because she keeps things lively & makes them feel young. I know she does that for me.

Our friends from Indiana just arrived & we have a list of things we want to do together this winter. This with our volunteer work, spending time with friends & family, & the upcoming holidays will keep our calendar full. I just don't understand. With all this on the calendar & being retired when did I find time to work before I was retired? Oh well, the big difference is I get to do more things that I enjoy & I get to do it on my schedule.

We will try to do more interesting things so that I have more to blog about, but for now we are just enjoying being back amongst family & friends in our home in Largo FL because.....

Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary

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