Thursday, April 29, 2010

# 52 This Is Home For Now

April 27th & we took our time hitting the road. Greenville is only 3 hours away so we were in no rush, besides the weather was cold(49') & cloudy so it was a good morning to sleep in a little. Since we didn't unhook the truck or hook up the sewer line preping for the road was a snap. After breakfast, walking the dog, & leaving the campground we thought it a good idea to fuel up at the Flying J at the entrance to the interstate. For those who are not familiar with Flying J think truck stop but with RV friendly amenities. I know some RVers who hate Flying Js, & we have had our bad experiences, but it seems our's & other's issues are usually with inconsiderate patrons blocking fuel pumps & parking. Often these clods are Rvers whom I don't consider "fellow RVers". At last on our way & the sky opts to share some precipitation. Not a lot, just enough to annoy & put an edge on the driver.

We arrive at our exit & follow the directions given by the campground. Winding roads, up & down the local hills but the pavement is not bad. Oops, spoke too soon. We turn onto the road the camp is located on & it looks like a mine field. Potholes a small family could move into & locals driving like it is the Indy 500. With a 40' trailer it is difficult to avoid these booby traps but I do my best. The campground's parking area is only a little better but it looks like they are trying to fix it up. Mary checks in & returns with a map & directions to our camp site as is normal in our travels. This is the end of normal!!! Around the bend is the first bridge. It is wide enough but the turn is kind of tight. Try #1, back up, try #2,back up a little more, try #3 I swing WIDE & up the embankment & I think I can make it. Mary is outside with the walkie-talkie yelling loud enough to make it not necessary. I can see in the mirror how close I am getting & trying to calm her down but a sending walkie is not a receiving walkie. I am talking to myself! I inch forward & clear the railing by less than 3". The next bridge is not so bad but the roads worsen. If I get this RV in here I am not moving it EVER! Well at least for a month. We find our site & miracles of miracles the site is actually level. We unhook the truck, hook up the utilities, & enjoy a well earned sigh of relief. It is really pretty up here but getting here....well I may not return unless there are some major improvements.

We are just relaxing right now so I think I will join my bride for a nap. I'll have to tell you later about our trip to town. Ta ta for now from our home in Greenville because...

Home is where we park it,
Frank & Mary

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